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Developing Competency Standards 101: Worksheets and Resources Capacity Building Workshop 19-20 April 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia Supported by UNESCO, World.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Competency Standards 101: Worksheets and Resources Capacity Building Workshop 19-20 April 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia Supported by UNESCO, World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Competency Standards 101: Worksheets and Resources Capacity Building Workshop 19-20 April 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia Supported by UNESCO, World Bank and Intel Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist, ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

2 Step 1: Identify domains/areas (Worksheet A) Step 2: Set the standards for each domain (Worksheet B) Step 3: Identify data sources and plan data collection (Worksheet C) Step 4: Data collection Step 5: Analyze data and write up competency performance indicators (Worksheet D) Overview

3 Identify 3-5 domains/areas that your group think would be the most relevant to the current needs of Indonesia and justify your selections. Add rows if you have more than 4 areas. Step 1: Identify Domains/Areas (Worksheet A) DomainsJustification 1 2 3 4

4 Step 2: Set the standards for each domain (Worksheet B) State standards for each domain. What are the acceptable levels to say a teacher has acquired sufficient competency for each domain? DomainsStandards 1 2 3 4


6 4 domains, 15 standards Example: ISST of Korea DomainStandards Information gathering Identify location, access, and read information, Gather and evaluate information, Store and Manage information Information analysis and processing Produce, edit, and word-process materials, Process and analyze spreadsheet materials, Produce and edit multimedia materials, Produce and edit presentation materials, Use and manage the NEIS system Information transfer and exchange Present and transfer information, Communication and exchange Information ethics and security Understanding the information society, Prevent distribution of harmful materials, Protect intellectual property, Manage personal information, Keep netiquette

7 DomainsStandards Technology Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic computer operation and other information devices including basic troubleshooting and maintenance. Use appropriate office and teaching productivity tools. Understand and effectively use the Internet and network applications and resources. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in information and data manage Social and Ethical Understand and observe legal practices in the use of technology. Recognize and practice ethical use of technology in both personal and professional levels. Plan, model and promote a safe and sound technology-supported learning environment. Facilitate equitable access to technology that addresses learning, social and cultural diversity. Pedagogical Apply technology to develop students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity Provide performance tasks that require students to locate and analyze information and to use a variety of media to clearly communicate results Conduct open and flexible learning environments where technology is used to support a variety of interactions among students, cooperative learning and peer instruction. +++ Professional Proactively engage in exploring and learning new and emerging technologies. +++ Example: NISC Philippines

8 Step 3: Identify data sources (Worksheet C) DomainsData neededData sourcesMethodologies TechnologyICT needed for T&L TeacherSurvey, FGD StudentSurvey, interview LiteratureNational ICT Policy, Teacher competency policy ICT in education advancement LiteratureResearch results Best practicesWorkshop, Seminar IT CompaniesProduct Presentation ICT Management MOECWorkshop IT CompaniesWorkshop

9 Sample questions: -What aspects of ICT do you think essential for your work as teacher? -What do you want to achieve in teaching and learning using ICT? Step 4: Data collection

10 Step 5: Data analysis and write-up PI (worksheet D) DomainsStandardsPIKSA TechnologyUse appropriate office and teaching productivity tools Explain the basic concepts of Intellectual Property Rights K & A Demonstrate the basic tasks and uses of word processors, such as text entry, editing text, formatting text and printing. S Demonstrate the purpose and basic features of presentation software, including multimedia S Create a simple graphic display using a graphics software package S Make computation, use formula and create graphs using spreadsheets S Create an email account and use it for a sustained series of email correspondence S Describe the Internet and the World Wide Web K Use a search engineS

11 Jonghwi park Thank You

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