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TRENDS AND TIPS AT REUSE Laura E. Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP Wistech Director 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 1.

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Presentation on theme: "TRENDS AND TIPS AT REUSE Laura E. Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP Wistech Director 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRENDS AND TIPS AT REUSE Laura E. Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP Wistech Director 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 1

2 Who We Are 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 2

3 ReUse and Exchange Collect Refurbish/Recycle Resell Donations IN Donations OUT Local Level 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 3

4 Partners/Resources Assistive Technology Act Equipment Sales Milwaukee County Badger State Industries WI IL Centers Birnschein Foundation UW Health Capital Times Kids Fund The Living Stones of Jesus Helen Bader Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Northwestern Mutual Foundation Faye McBeath Foundation Great Lakes Inter- Tribal Council 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 4

5 Badger State Industries 2001 Redgranite Correctional Institution Wistech subcontractor October 2010 Expansion: Computer Recycling Program Hospitals and other institutions 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 5

6 BSI Inmates 13 inmates Competitive application process Skill development Invacare partnership Simulates actual work environment Teaching “giving back” 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 6

7 Data (2013-2014) Q1Q2Q3Q4 IF Mobility – BSI 27301520 BSI – IF Mobility 9901120 Items unable to use 730300 Supplies Used$11,910$13,506$1,387$2,110 Inmate Hours5,0115,0825,0115,821 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 7

8 Quotes "It's the first time I found something I love to do. This is something I can bring with me out in the world," Ayers said. "My hope is the public understands there's good guys in here who made bad choices.“ "It's nice knowing I'm doing work that will help people like my grandpa," said Ayers, who is serving a 12-year sentence for robbing a Rock County credit union and attempting to rob a gas station in Sauk County. "I've had people who told me 'all I've ever done is do drugs and rob people,' " Trinrud said. "You can see the work here is a self-esteem builder. They get skills that will help them get a job. 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 8

9 Questions? Laura E. Plummer, MA, CRC, ATP Wistech Director Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute UW Stout 8/31/15 AFP and AT Reuse Conference 9

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