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Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Joseph F. Burt, Staff Associate Office of Integrative Activities National Science Foundation

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Presentation on theme: "Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Joseph F. Burt, Staff Associate Office of Integrative Activities National Science Foundation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Joseph F. Burt, Staff Associate Office of Integrative Activities National Science Foundation Tel. 703-292-8040

2 Goals êSupport the acquisition, through purchase, upgrade, or development, of major state-of-the-art instrumentation for research, research training, and integrated research/education activities at U.S. Institutions; êImprove access to and increase use of modern research and research training instrumentation by scientists, engineers, and graduate and undergraduate students; êEnable academic departments or cross-departmental units to create well-equipped learning environments that integrate research and education; êFoster the development of the next generation of instrumentation for research and research training; and êPromote partnerships between academic researchers and private sector instrument developers.

3 Eligible Institutions êU.S. Institutions of Higher Education êIndependent Non-Profit Research Institutions êResearch Museums êLegally Incorporated Consortia of Eligible Institutions :Note: MRI will accept RUI proposals from institutions eligible to participate in NSF Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Program

4 Evaluation Criteria êIntellectual merit êBroader impacts of the proposed activity Additional Considerations êInstrument development with a private sector partner; êGeographic distribution; êInstrumentation advances NSF’s strategic goals; êNon-Ph.D. granting and minority institutions; êAbility to demonstrate the shared use of the instruments for research and/or research training.

5 Other Review Considerations êIntegration of Research and Education :A principal strategy in support of NSF’s goals êIntegrating Diversity into NSF Programs, Projects, and Activities :NSF is committed to this principle of diversity êPI’s are expected to address these issues in their proposal so that reviewers can fully respond to both NSF merit review criteria.

6 Program Administration êMRI solicitation (NSF 01-171) published electronically on the NSF homepage-hard copy not available; Other MRI resources available -- :FAQ’s :lists of MRI awards (1996-2001) :MRI presentations êProposals required to be submitted electronically using the NSF FastLane system; êAt time of submission, PI’s asked to identify an NSF division to review proposal.

7 MRI Committee of Visitors (COV) - FY 2000 êIn June, 2000, panel of 12 external experts assessed both the process and the results of the MRI program êMajor findings of the COV: :MRI awards are consistently high quality :MRI awards result in supportive state-of-the-art instrumentation being placed in appropriate labs across the research community :MRI portfolio is balanced among high-risk, multidisciplinary, and innovative projects êMajor recommendations of the COV: :Increase attention to “broader impacts” by proposers, reviewers, and NSF program officers :Encourage submission of MRI proposals by non-Ph.D. granting institutions :Encourage submission of development proposals

8 FY 2003 Overview êTotal funding--$75 Million (FY02 level) êInstrumentation Acquisition or Development êTwo proposals for acquisition or development; a third for development. An institution may be part of a consortium. êAward size--$100,000 to $2 Million :(exceptions for non-Ph.D. granting institutions and for mathematical and social, behavioral and economic sciences) êCost sharing--30% required :(exceptions for development proposals and for non Ph.D. granting institutions) êDeadline for proposal submission: January 23, 2003

9 Cost Sharing êStandard :30% of total eligible project cost êException for Development Proposals :30% of total equipment cost êException for Non-Ph.D. Granting Institutions :No cost sharing required for non-Ph.D. granting institutions

10 MRI Proposal and Award Information by Fiscal Year (FY 1997-2002)

11 FY 2002 Proposal & Award Information by Directorate

12 Development Proposals and Awards by Fiscal Year (FY 1997-2002)

13 FY 2002 Development Proposals & Awards by Directorate

14 FY 2000 -2002 MRI EPSCoR Proposal/Award Data * includes split $

15 MRI: Non Ph.D. Granting Institutions èFY 2001 êNumber of Proposals Submitted: 302 êDollars Requested: $54,853,487 êNumber of Awards: 170 êDollars Awarded: $25,327,090 êSuccess Rate: 56% êAverage Award: $148,983 êNumber of States Represented: 44 êNumber of Institutions Represented: 228 èFY 2002 êNumber of Proposals Submitted: 251 êDollars Requested: $56,893,260 êNumber of Awards: 130 êDollars Awarded: $24,344,862 êSuccess Rate: 52% êAverage Award: $187,268 êNumber of States Represented: 47 êNumber of Institutions Represented: 187

16 MRI: Minority Serving Institutions èFY 2001 êNumber of Proposals Submitted: 66 êDollars Requested: $23,027,797 êNumber of Awards: 25 êDollars Awarded: $5,433,926 êSuccess Rate: 38% êAverage Award: $217,357 êNumber of States Represented: 16 êNumber of Institutions Represented: 39 èFY 2002 êNumber of Proposals Submitted: 79 êDollars Requested: $33,636,744 êNumber of Awards: 35 êDollars Awarded: $10,009,024 êSuccess Rate: 44% êAverage Award: $285,972 êNumber of States Represented: 18 êNumber of Institutions Represented: 46

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