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M. Slassi Sennou Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc Commission Formation VP APEBI (IT & Telecom Association) Last Mile to the Job – Training.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Slassi Sennou Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc Commission Formation VP APEBI (IT & Telecom Association) Last Mile to the Job – Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Slassi Sennou Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc Commission Formation VP APEBI (IT & Telecom Association) Last Mile to the Job – Training on demand in the IT Offshoring sector

2 Summary  « For Shore 3000 » Project. Context and Purpose  Best Practices and concepts from Industrial Operation Management  Application to « For shore 3000 » Project

3 “For Shore 3000” Project Context  For 2 years, thanks to an economical strategies proactive and ambitious, Morocco had an important success as near shore platform for providing off shoring services. Since the last year, Morocco is placed in the first pool of the 30 off shoring best destinations according to the study of the Gartner Group.  Nonetheless, the quality of the human resources education remains problematic. Starting the year 2008, an important turnover, salaries inflation, and competencies rarefaction led to a loss of competitiveness of our companies. It represents a very serious threat in the short term for the future of this new labour catchment.  Two the reasons behind that phenomenon: 1. The ability of the training system to produce people with “soft skills” to an acceptable international standard, 2. The ability of the training system to adapt and indeed anticipate skills requirements of the market  As response of this mismatch, the idea is to adapt the concepts and the best practices observed in Industrial Operations Management to the Production Management of Skills with the innovative design and implementation of production processes.

4 “For Shore 3000” Project Context  The objective is to provide the value chain of national production with a “finishing school” training system through retraining/qualification, controlled by the demand. In the Industrial Operations Management, this is called “delayed differentiation”; a process that allows to fit a product to a targeted consumer demand.  This has given rise to “For Shore 3000”, a Public/Private Partnership project which provides training for IT Offshoring Sector for 3000 engineers and technicians by giving them redeployment qualification training over 12-month period.  The project is based on 3 stakeholders and 6 processes. The stakeholders are: 1. The market represented by APEBI, the association of the IT sector employers 2. The Public Authorities represented by the Ministry of commerce and Industry and the National Agency in charge of placement of the job seekers (ANAPEC), 3. Training Bodies (TB) selected and qualified by ANAPEC and APEBI  The 6 processes are : 1.Selection of Candidates 2.Selection/qualification of the TB 3.Assessment of Job needs 4.Training 5.Placement of successful trainees 6.Funding

5 Gouvernance of efficient production Organization Matching Demande/Production Optimization Cost/Efficiency ratio Organization - Flexible - Creative - Cooperative Value Issue Cost Issue Network of various multidisciplinary Stakeholders, driven by a shared ambition who cooperate, learn and develop together

6 6 Information and decision making flow Value Creation flow From Labour Market (Customer) To Labour Market (Customer) Suppliers: - Training Bodies - Intermediary Bodies - Jobs Placement Agency - …. Matching Demand to Production PROCESSES AND FLOW (ANAPEC) Funding 1.QUALITY 2.TIMING

7 Actual NeedNeed as seen bythe sector professionalsNeed as seen bythe curricula developperTrainingCompetenciesdelivered Time Evolving Process in parallel LEGACY PROCESS PRODUCTION Sequential processes create non value processes

8 Value Time (cost) Time Production system piloted by the demand and parallelized lead to a gain in productivity (value) and reduced costs Evolving Process in parallel PARALLEL PROCESS PRODUCTION

9 Needs Survey REM Sectorial Job/Trade Directory REC Sectorial Job/Skills Directory Market Labour Content Specifications Curricula Recruitment Pool Scientific IT specialist Others Target 30000 Skills, Knowledges, & Know How Software development New Technology developper. Old technology developper C onsultancy Operational Consultant Technical Consultant Support Fleet Mangement Maintenance Tests & Acceptance Eng. Call for selection Languages mast. Logical raisoning Analitical ability Training Market Matching Demand to Production Evolving Processes In Parallel

10 Results The “For Shore 3000” project was launched 6 months ago – Almost 400 engineers and technicians were trained – A 100% of the Alumni are going to be recruited by the participating employers – 2009: the sector knew a deceleration due the world crisis – These processes could be applied at short term in other economical sectors (ANAPEC) – Funds are more than interested on that mechanism – Reinforcement Morocco as an offshoring destination

11 Thank you for your attention!

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