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111 Welcome!  TRAC Development Workshop 2013. 222 SILO WARS! PledgeTRAC January 2013 Judith LeRoy.

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Presentation on theme: "111 Welcome!  TRAC Development Workshop 2013. 222 SILO WARS! PledgeTRAC January 2013 Judith LeRoy."— Presentation transcript:

1 111 Welcome!  TRAC Development Workshop 2013

2 222 SILO WARS! PledgeTRAC January 2013 Judith LeRoy

3 333

4 444 Each Silo Develops its Own Culture  Development has its own metrics and ways of seeing the world  Programming is much more different in its metrics than pledge  And the managers!

5 555 Silos Naturally Isolate People  Each department tends to be internally focused  Each department tends to become a tribe  Ignorance of other silo cultures make it worse  Often we think its naturally this way everywhere

6 666 Our assumptions about them..  Engineers swallow live eels for breakfast  For pledgers its cold pizza  Steak for programmers  And managers are always gone somewhere

7 777 Today You Will See the Differences  When Steve McGowan talks it will be from the perspective of a programmer.  He will use different metrics, have different expectations for success.  These success metrics will be different than those of pledge producers, or managers or even number crunchers.

8 888 Each Silo Contributes Something Different

9 999 This will be a great meeting

10 10 Left over slides

11 11 Beware of Your Brain’s Habits  Each silo’s department function contributes to the station’s success in different ways  It is natural to see the world with the mores and metrics we have absorbed on the job  Silo wars are almost natural given people  Tolerance and willingness to understand other silo cultures is our goal

12 12 The Typical Viewer is Not the Average Viewer Hours per Week

13 13 Heavy Viewers Rise the Average  Average age of a PTV viewer is 49! Because when we average the kids and those older women together. Viola  So the key question: are these older viewers loyal PTV viewers or people that just stumbled into the cume? The answer: no  There are loyal, intelligent and passionate viewers of public television… because they are a minority they get washed out in the “averages”

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