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The Word Within the Word

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1 The Word Within the Word
Stem Lesson 7 Part 1 (stems )

2 Sentence example: The unfortunate acrobat suffered from acrophobia.
meaning: high Sentence example: The unfortunate acrobat suffered from acrophobia.

3 Clue Words: acrobat, acronym, acropolis, acrophobia

4 acrophobia Fear of heights

5 152. culp meaning: blame Sentence example: Unfortunately, the culprit was exculpated and escaped punishment.

6 Clue Words: culprit, culpable, exculpate, inculpate, exculpatory

7 culpable guilty

8 153. derm meaning: skin Sentence example: A pachyderm rarely suffers from dermatitis on its trunk.

9 Clue Words: dermatologist, dermatitis, pachyderm, hypodermic, ectoderm, endoderm

10 Pachyderm An elephant

11 154. zo meaning: animal Sentence example: Does the zoo have a protozoan exhibit with microscopes to look through?

12 Clue Words: zoology, protozoa, zooplankton, zodiac, Mesozoic, zoophilous, zoophagous, zoo

13 Zoology Study of animals

14 155. per meaning: through Sentence example: The perforations let water percolate through the membrane.

15 Clue Words: perception, perforation, percolate, perambulate

16 Perforation A hole

17 156. pac meaning: peace Sentence example: The angry pacifists were not pacified by the president’s militaristic speech.

18 Clue Words: pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, pacifism, pacification, Pax Romana

19 Pacify To calm someone/ something

20 Sentence example: A long discursive speech lacks brevity.
meaning: short Sentence example: A long discursive speech lacks brevity.

21 Clue Words: brevity, abbreviation, brief, breviary, breve

22 Brevity conciseness

23 Sentence example: If you have necrophobia, avoid the necropolis.
meaning: death Sentence example: If you have necrophobia, avoid the necropolis.

24 Clue Words: necropolis, necromancer, necrophobia, necrotic, necrobiosis

25 Necropolis An ancient cemetery

26 Sentence example: The wealthy urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners.
meaning: city Sentence example: The wealthy urbanite in Chicago had urbane manners.

27 Clue Words: urban, urbane, suburbs, urbanite, urbanologist, urbanism

28 urbane Sophisticated, elegant

29 160. pugn meaning: fight Sentence example: His pugnacious attitude was repugnant to his peace-loving friends.

30 Clue Words: pugnacious, repugnant, pugilist, impugn

31 Pugnacious Combative/ quarrelsome

32 Sentence example: Ectothermic species enjoy the summer warmth.
meaning: outer Sentence example: Ectothermic species enjoy the summer warmth.

33 Clue Words: ectoderm, ectomorph, ectothermic, ectoplasm, ectoparasite

34 Ectothermic Cold-blooded (i.e. an animal)

35 A plastic surgery question: “Is rhinoplasty a form of dermoplasty?”
162. plasto meaning: molded Sentence example: A plastic surgery question: “Is rhinoplasty a form of dermoplasty?”

36 Clue Words: plastic, dermoplasty, rhinoplasty, plaster, plasticity, plastid

37 Rhinoplasty Plastic surgery on the nose A nose job

38 Is a corrupt politician a demagogue or a pedagogue?
meaning: leader Sentence example: Is a corrupt politician a demagogue or a pedagogue?

39 Clue Words: demagogue, pedagogue, synagogue, pedagogy, mystagogue

40 Pedagogue A teacher

41 Is a blood corpuscle larger than a molecule?
meaning: small Sentence example: Is a blood corpuscle larger than a molecule?

42 Clue Words: molecule, corpuscle, follicle, minuscule, ventricle, particle

43 Minuscule Very small

44 Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical.
meaning: not Sentence example: Your corrupt suggestion is both illegal and illogical.

45 Clue Words: illegal, illogical, illicit, illiterate, illegible

46 Clue Words: illegal, illogical, illicit, illiterate, illegible

47 Illegible unreadable

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