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Ch. 10-2: Social and Economic Reform  Jacob Riis- wrote “How the Other Half Lives”  Looked at how poor immigrants lived their lives  Settlement House-

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1 Ch. 10-2: Social and Economic Reform  Jacob Riis- wrote “How the Other Half Lives”  Looked at how poor immigrants lived their lives  Settlement House- place where poor immigrants went for help




5 Jane Addams  Hull House- settlement house in Chicago for poor immigrants  Offered classes in English, art, and basic living skills

6 Jane Addams

7 Suffrage Movement  Suffrage Movement wanted to give women the right to vote  Led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton  Western states 1 st to give women the right to vote

8 Viewpoints  Many felt the women’s place was in the home not D.C.  1920- 19 th Amend. Women get the right to vote  Margaret Sanger- pushed for birth control




12 NAACP  Goal was to protect the rights of African Americans  Wanted to eliminate Jim Crow Laws  Marcus Garvey- leader of the “Back to Africa” movement

13 Marcus Garvey

14 Temperance/Prohibition  Many felt crime, poverty and murder were a cause of alcohol  Temperance Movement- urged people to abolish the sale and drinking of alcohol





19 Prohibitions Enforcement

20 Political Reform  Many cities were run by “Political Machines”  NYC- Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall were the most corrupt and robbed millions



23  Political Bosses promised immigrants jobs in exchange for their votes  They gained office and became very corrupt

24 Reform  Direct Primary- people vote in a primary election for a candidate to represent a party  Initiative- petitions circulated so law makers may consider a law

25  Referendum- proposed law where the people vote on election day  Recall- people can call for a special election to remove a politician from office  Secret ballot became popular

26 Child Labor Laws  Child labor was very common  1914- laws issued to prevent child labor  Early 20 th century U.S. cities begin to clean up


28 Teddy Roosevelt  T. Roosevelt- felt that as president he needed to protect both industry and the common laborers  Roosevelt was known as the “Trust Buster” b/c he was the first president to attack big businesses  He enforced the Sherman Anti- Trust Act by attacking the Northern Securities Co.


30  Roosevelt believed that their were both good and bad trust  Good Trust- those that helped the public and provided necessary services but they needed to be restrained  Bad Trust- those that drove out competition and abused the workers and they should be eliminated


32 TR the Conservationist  Roosevelt loved the environment and felt that he needed to preserve it for future generations  He helped establish the National Parks Service



35 Roosevelt Legacy  Helped regulate the Railroads  Known as the Trust Buster  Avid Conservationist  Helped build the Panama Canal  Considered one of Americas greatest and vocal presidents


37 1912 Election  Democrats- Woodrow Wilson  Republicans- Party was split between Taft and Roosevelt  Wilson won easily  Debs- represented the Socialist Party





42 Underwood Tariff  Tariffs lowered, which dropped the price of consumer goods  16 th Amend- Graduated Income Tax which is based on a % of your income

43 Clayton Antitrust Act  Strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act  Prevented holding companies, interlocking directorships which were illegal

44 Federal Trade Commission Act  Investigates questionable business practices  Orders companies to “Cease and desist” from illegal activities

45 Federal Reserve System  Banks often failed b/c they didn’t have enough money in the vault  Fed. Reserve- regulates the money that is in circulation and controls interest rates


47 Progressive Amendments  16 th - Income Tax  17 th - People now directly elect their national senators  18 th - Prohibition of alcohol  19 th - Women get the right to vote


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