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OBJ: Given lab SWBAT explain how the organs of the digestive system work together to break down food and absorb nutrients with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJ: Given lab SWBAT explain how the organs of the digestive system work together to break down food and absorb nutrients with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJ: Given lab SWBAT explain how the organs of the digestive system work together to break down food and absorb nutrients with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXTBOOK DN: HW check- Final Digestion and Absorption Booklet; Review Procedures ( lab, glue stic, scissors, colored pencils ) ACT: Construct Paper Model of Digestive System ( Color, Cut, Arrange in proper order, paste (glue stic), label part & describe function) Work on lab questions HW: Complete Paper Model and Lab Questions (Lab due Monday, Feb 23); Complete SMSD Review Sheets; SMSDFE Exam, Feb 25; Winter Recess: Complete NYSSAE 2008 Exam (Q: 1-81, on scantron; due Monday, Feb 23).

2 Mouth Esophagus Stomach Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Small Intestine Large Intestine Rectum Anus Digestion Begins Final Digestion & Absorption

3 Mouth : Chemical digestion of starch (carbohydrate); Mechanical digestion: chewing, grinding Esophagus : tube connecting mouth to stomach; peristalic contractions Stomach : hold/store food; Mechanical digestion: churning; Chemical digestion: break down of proteins (HCL acid, pepsin enzyme) Liver : process medicine, alcohol; remove nitrogen; produce bile (breakdown fats) Pancreas : enzyme production to breakdown fats, carbohydrates, proteins Small Intestine : most chemical digestion; absorption of nutrient molecules into circulatory system (capillaries) by osmosis through villi/microvilli wall. Large Intestine : remove water, produce vitamin K (clotting blood) Rectum : store solid waste (Excretory) Anus : opening/exit solid waste




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