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Some More Philosophers. Words to Know State of Nature: Social Contract: Noble Savage:

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Presentation on theme: "Some More Philosophers. Words to Know State of Nature: Social Contract: Noble Savage:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Some More Philosophers

2 Words to Know State of Nature: Social Contract: Noble Savage:

3 Words to Know State of Nature: An imagined time before / without government – some philosophers try to work out what government is by imagining humans without it Social Contract: An agreement, implicit or otherwise, imagined by political philosophers in an effort to explain the connection between political obligation, consent of the governed, and the power of the state Noble Savage: A human being unspoiled by the corrupting influences of government and society as envisioned first by Rousseau. Peaceful, innocent, possessed by natural dignity

4 John Locke All knowledge gained through experience Tabula Rasa All we really care about, deep down, is surviving (Locke’s prince and pauper theory) Inspired the Founding Fathers of the US (as a Brit – died in 1704) –Due to his take on Social Contract and Inalienable Rights Did not buy into the Hobbesian take on life, but instead that I.R. are gained through working for them

5 Locke and Social Contract Connection between society and government for protection purposes Silence is consent…if you’re displeased then you have the right to leave or change it (American and French Revolutions) So what is the difference between Hobbes and Locke?

6 Social Contract Hobbes: –Social contract existed so anarchy could not. –Society could not revert to its “natural state” Locke: –Social contract exists for the greater good of society and to uphold inherent rights

7 Jean Jacques Rousseau Frenchman who died in 1778 The more sophisticated the society the more rampant vice and corruption were –Or as Diddy put it back in the 90’s – Mo Money, Mo Problems His writings inspired the French Revolution – he preached about the importance of liberty and how wrong oppressive monarchies were

8 Rousseau’s Social Contract “Man was born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.” –Copied Locke’s theories in a lot of ways (the whole I.R. thing) Rousseau saw freedom and liberty in a little different light –Do the right thing –Includes obedience to authority

9 Rousseau Loved the thought of education reform –Did not believe in the rigidity of schools –Would have been a Montessori kid –Little ones are still in the uncorrupted state, and should have their spontaneity encouraged…not thwarted!

10 Contrasting HobbesLockeRousseau View on Society Social Contract Agree / Don’t Agree

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