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Animalia ( 동물계 ) Metazoa ( 후생동물아계 ) Bilateralia Protostomia ( 선구동물군 ) Pseudocoelomata Aschelminth ( 대형동물문 ) Nematoda ( 선충강 )

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Presentation on theme: "Animalia ( 동물계 ) Metazoa ( 후생동물아계 ) Bilateralia Protostomia ( 선구동물군 ) Pseudocoelomata Aschelminth ( 대형동물문 ) Nematoda ( 선충강 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animalia ( 동물계 ) Metazoa ( 후생동물아계 ) Bilateralia Protostomia ( 선구동물군 ) Pseudocoelomata Aschelminth ( 대형동물문 ) Nematoda ( 선충강 )

2 Definition of nematode 1.Tripoblastic 2.Bilaterally symmetrical 3.Pseudocoel 4.No respiratory, circulatory system 5.Non-segmented

3 Nematode body shape 1.Filiform ( 선형 ) 2.Fusiform ( 방추형 ) 3.Pyriform(pear shape or lemon shape) 4.Sexual dimorphism Color-transparent (yellow or brown)

4 Size of nematode 1.Plant parasitic nematode : 0.2 ~ 10 X 0.5 ~1.5 mm 2. Animal parasitic nematode - Ascaris, 40 cm - Giant kidney worm,1 m x 1,5 cm - Placentonematode gigantismo spem whale, 8.5m x 2.5 cm


6 Pratylenchus spp. Cyst nematode

7 J2, root-knot nematode attacking plant root tip J2, hatching from egg

8 A: Fusiform B,C: Filiform D, E: Partly filiformF: Pyriform

9 J1 J2 J3 J4 Male Female

10 History of nematology 1. Ching, 2700 B.C. -Chinese physician, Ascaris lumbricoides 2. German Egyptologist, 1553-1550 B.C. - “ Ebers ’ Papyrus ” (1872) - Ascaris, Guinea worm 3. Bible, 1250 B.C. - Guinea worm 4. Plurtarch, 181-146 B.C. - Guinea worm, Dracunculus medinensis (Dracunculus = “ little snake from Medina ” )

11 Europe 1. Needham, 1743 :First plant parasitic nematode Anguina tritici (seed-gall nematode) 2. Berkeley, 1855 :Root-knot nematode on cucumber 3. Kuhn, 1857 :Ditylenchus dipsaci (stem and bulb nematode) 4. Schacht, 1859 :Heterodera schactii (sugarbeet nematode) 5. Kuhn, 1871 :Fist soil fumigant, “ cardon disulfate ”

12 America 1. Neal & Atinson, 1889 :Independently published root-knot nematode 2. Atkinson, 1892 :Root-knot nematode and Fusarium on cotton 3. N. A. Cobb, 1907 :USDA, developed the subject of nematodes Father of American nematologist 4. Publication Journal of Nematology, 1969

13 Nematode- important role in modern biology 1. Butschli,1873-1875 : first observed polar bodies during nuclear division in nematode 2. Van Beneden,1883 : description of chromosomes of Ascaris suum 3. Boveri,1899 : fate of the cells during embryogenesis 4. W. B. Wood, 1988 : selected C. elegans as a promising model animal for a genetic, ultrastructural, and behavioural investigation of development and function in a simple nervous system

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