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Warm-Up #1 (4/13/15) Based on the article on Germany’s debt from WWI, answer the following questions… 1.What did the allies (especially France) want to.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up #1 (4/13/15) Based on the article on Germany’s debt from WWI, answer the following questions… 1.What did the allies (especially France) want to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up #1 (4/13/15) Based on the article on Germany’s debt from WWI, answer the following questions… 1.What did the allies (especially France) want to ensure after WWI? 2.What problems did the Weimar Republic (Germany’s government) have to deal with after WWI? 3.How did Hitler feel about the Treaty of Versailles? 4.How did the 1953 Treaty of London affect repayment of war debt? 5.What was the final agreement about repaying the debt?

2 Warm-Up #2 (4/14/15) Imagine you are a German citizen in 1930 during the Great Depression. You are unemployed and your country is suffering. Which candidate would you vote for? Why? Remember Germany’s long & glorious past Replace our present indecisive leadership with a strong, effective leader Rebuild the army to protect against enemies Regain the lands taken unfairly from us Make sacrifices to return to economic health Put the welfare of the state above all & our country will be a great power again! Realize that there are no quick solutions to problems Put people back to work, but economic recovery will be slow Provide for the poor, elderly, and the sick Avoid reckless military spending Act responsibly to safeguard democracy! Be a good neighbor country; honor our debts & treaty obligations CANDIDATE A CANDIDATE B

3 Warm-Up #3 (4/16/15) For each of the following put F if it applies to FASCISM, C if it applies to COMMUNISM (in practice), or B if it applies to BOTH! 1.Adolf Hitler 2.Extreme militarism 3.Joseph Stalin 4.One political party 5.Strict obedience to the state 6.Youth indoctrination 7.Heavy censorship 8.Benito Mussolini 9.No private property 10.Totalitarian government 11.A theoretically classless society 12.Excessive use of propaganda 13.Francisco Franco 14.Extreme nationalism 15.Loss of civil liberties

4 Warm-Up #4 (4/17/15) Answer the questions based on your viewing of “The Wave”: 1.Identify the symbols used by the teacher/students. How were they similar to the German Nazi symbols? 2.What was the slogan of The Wave? How did it contribute to students believing in the experiment? 3.How did the experiment end? Explain why you felt it was either effective or not effective. 4.What does the experiment say about human nature?

5 Warm-Up #5 (4/20/15) Answer the questions based on your WWII Map: 1.Identify each of the following as part of the Allied Powers or Axis Powers: a.Germany b.Italy c.U.S. d.Japan e.Soviet Union f.Great Britain g.China 2.Write the name of the country each of the leaders below represented: a.Mussolini b.Churchill c.Stalin d.Hitler

6 Warm-Up #6 (4/21/15) Copy down the definition, then answer the questions that follow: Appeasement (n.) - the policy of giving in to the demands of a potentially hostile nation in the hope of maintaining peace Have you ever given in to someone’s demands to avoid conflict? What happened? Did they leave you alone after that or did they continue to make demands?

7 Warm-Up #7 (4/23/15) Based on yesterday’s Path to WWII notes, answer the following questions: 1. Which countries were engaging in aggressive behavior? 2. What pattern emerged with the international response to the aggression? 3. Why do you think countries responded that way?

8 Warm-Up #8 (4/24/15) Axis Aggression Review: 1.Identify 3 neutral European countries that became occupied by the Germans. 2.Identify the allied country that became occupied by the Germans. 3.Explain the significance of the Battle of Britain. 4.What role did the U.S. play at the beginning of WWII? 5.What region did Italy try to take over with German help? 6.Why did Japan attack the U.S. at Pearl Harbor?

9 Warm-Up #9 (4/27/15) Listen to the rap song Kenji by Fort Minor and read the lyrics. Then answer the questions. 1.What happened to Kenji (Ken)? Why? 2.Do you think the American government was right to do what they did? Why or why not? 3.What other groups have been treated like this in history?

10 Warm-Up #10 (4/29/15) Allied Advance Review: 1.After liberating North Africa, which German-held territory in Europe did the Allies attack? 2.In which battle did the Allies beat the Germans with a little help from mother nature? 3.Why was Stalin happy when the Allies finally launched the D-Day invasion at Normandy? 4.If the Allies had not stopped Japan at the Battle of the Coral Sea, which country would have most likely been invaded by Japan? 5.By 1943, what desperate strategy did Japan start to employ?

11 Warm-Up #11 (4/30/15) The Holocaust: A Personal Connection Before the lesson: (write this on the space below warm up #10) Describe your holocaust victim, including their name and location, and give a brief background about their life. After the Lesson: Check the board to see his/her fate. What happened to your person?


13 Warm-Up #2 (4/16/14) Based on the Centerville, USA reading, identify 2 examples of Fascism and be prepared to explain them! 1. 2.

14 Warm-Up #6 (4/22/14) Based on your reading yesterday, identify 3 facts you learned about Hitler/the Nazi Party: 1. 2. 3.

15 Warm-Up #1 (4/8/13) What I already know (or think I know) about the time between WWI & WWII: What I’d like to know about the time between WWI & WWII:

16 Warm-Up #10 (5/1/13) The Dreaded Chronological Order…Put the following events in order from earliest to most recent: Atomic bomb used against Japan Bombing of Pearl Harbor Hitler named Chancellor of Germany German invasion of Poland

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