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A few days after Concord and Lexington, Radicals broke into the Royal Arms Storehouse in Savannah stealing 600 pounds of gunpowder. Sept. 1775, Joseph.

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2 A few days after Concord and Lexington, Radicals broke into the Royal Arms Storehouse in Savannah stealing 600 pounds of gunpowder. Sept. 1775, Joseph Habersham and Capt. Oliver Bowen captured British Schooner. GA kept 9,000 pounds and sent 5,000 pounds to Continental Army.

3 Council of Safety met to form a new Govt. in GA They withdrew from GB, leaving Gov. Wright powerless Wright arrested in Jan 1776 for asking could British ships purchase supplies from the colony. A month later Wright escaped to a British Warship leaving the Council of Safety in charge The following Provincial Congress, GA set up “Rules and Regulations” until permanent document could be drawn up.

4 Lyman Hall, George Walton, and Button Gwinnett Three parts: Preamble 27 grievances against King George III Conclusion…Declared Colonies independent from GB GA begins to prepare for War…..sends food and ammunition to the Continental Army

5 Dec 1778, British take control of Savannah They soon take port of Sunbury and Augusta Wright returned to Ga to take charge Feb 1779 Ga Victory: Elijah Clarke defeats more than 800 British Troops at Battle of Kettle Creek June 1781 Elijah Clarke took Augusta back By the end of 1782, British in GA believe they cannot win the War and leave Savannah after 3 ½ years Treaty of Paris signed by GB, France, and U.S. in 1783 Only 11 battles/skirmishes on GA soil

6 Austin Dabney Nancy Hart

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