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Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together SHANNON M. ELLER, LPC, RPT, CCS, CCADC, CCDP-D, NCC WEBSITE:

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together SHANNON M. ELLER, LPC, RPT, CCS, CCADC, CCDP-D, NCC WEBSITE:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together counseling center Worst Personal Ethical Dilemmas

3 o LPC o LMFT o LCSW o ACES o NAADAC Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together Overview of Ethical Codes o APT o ASGW o APA o ACA

4 Ethical Inventory Group Discussion Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

5 o Professional Identity o Counselor o Educator o Researcher o Supervisor o Advocate o Question: Who are the stakeholders? o (client, counselor, agencies, community, profession) Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

6 Basic Ethical Standards Beneficence Non-maleficence (avoiding harm) Autonomy (imposition of values) Justice (power differential) Fidelity Client Welfare Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

7 Ethical Responsibilities o Ethical/ Clinical o Standard o Legal o Moral o Virtue o Aspirational Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

8 Ethical Standards/ Responsibilities o Confidentiality o Privacy o Privilege o Courtroom Ethics o Judicious Disclosure Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

9 Ethical Standards Usual, customary, reasonable (UCR) Supervisor responsibility Vicarious liability 1. form of strict, secondary liability that arises under the common law doctrine of agencystrictsecondary liabilitycommon lawagency 2. respondent superior – the responsibility of the superior for the acts of their supervisee (the responsibility of any third party that had the "right, ability or duty to control" the activities of a violator). respondent superior Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

10 Ethical Issues Duty to warn (Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, 1976)Regents of the University of California Mandated Reporting Status 1. Physical, sexual, emotional/mental abuse 2. Vulnerable parties (children, elderly, disabled) 3. Criminal intent (S/H active intent/plan) Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

11 Ethical Safeguards o Informed Consent/ Assent o Recordkeeping (formal, standardized, clinical language) o Coordination of services o Continuity of care o Release of Information Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

12 Ethical Dilemmas Dual Relationships (Prince of Tides) Sexual Relationships Small Towns Bartering/ Gifts Common Sense Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

13 Ethical Dilemmas o Case Management o Research (Tuskegee/ IRB Boards) o Ethical Use of Human Participants o Standardized Practices o Safety in Group Counseling o Deception o End-of-Life Issues Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

14 Ethical Dilemmas o Competency o Expertise o Referral o Termination o Abandonment (What About Bob?) Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

15 Ethical Standards Multicultural Issues o Knowledge o Awareness o Skills Sets o Sensitivity o Respect Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

16 Ethical Dilemmas o Counselor Welfare o Impairment o Ethical Complaints o Use of Technology (social media, internet/web services) Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

17 Ethical Safeguards Supervision Consultation Accountability Ethical Decision-Making Models/ Tests 1. Fairness 2. Universality 3. Courtroom 4. Ethics Board 5. Newspaper/ Television Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

18 Ethical Decision-Making Models Current Research/ Literature Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

19 Ethical Scenarios Group Discussion Ethics: Putting the Puzzle Together

20 Andrade, B., and Ugalde, O. (2011). Ethical self-evidence and the principle of proportionality: Two fundamental ethical principles applied to a psychiatric case report. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 29(18), 113-121. Betan, E., and Stanton, A (1999) Fostering ethical willingness: Integrating emotional and contextual awareness with rational analysis. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 6 (1), 698-681 Garcia, J., Cartwright, B., Winston, S., and Borzuchowska, B. (2003). A transcultural integrative model for ethical decision making in counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development 268(10), 88-95. Huebner, B., Lee, J., and Hauser, M. (2010). The moral and convention distinction in mature moral competence. Journal of Cognition & Culture 1(26), 555-572. Reeves, a. (2010). Maintaining confidentiality. Therapy Today, 33(3), 721-726. Sreenivasan, G. (2010). Duties and their direction. Ethics, 465 (30), 223-232. References

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