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Dr. Amina M R El-Nemer Lecturer Maternity and Obstetric Nursing Dep. IQAP Manager Program Specification.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Amina M R El-Nemer Lecturer Maternity and Obstetric Nursing Dep. IQAP Manager Program Specification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Amina M R El-Nemer Lecturer Maternity and Obstetric Nursing Dep. IQAP Manager Program Specification

2 What is the current situation?  No academic standards  No Benchmarks

3 Bachelor Levels  Threshold  Typical (good)  Honor (Excellent)

4 Academic Reference Standards  It is qualitative measure Performance level of graduates. Determined by institution to comply with its mission

5 1- Graduate Performance Threshold Plan, conduct and present an independent investigation with reliance on guidance Typical Typical Plan, conduct and present an independent investigation with limited reliance on guidance Excellent 'Suggest, plan, conduct and present an independent investigation with reliance on guidance

6 2- Graduate Performance Threshold Use technologies to address problems Typical Typical Use technologies to address problems efficiently Excellent

7 3- Graduate Performance Threshold Integrate some lines of evidence from a range of sources to support findings and hypotheses in an acceptable manner Typical Typical Integrate lines of evidence from a range of sources to support findings and hypotheses in an acceptable manner Excellent Integrate lines of evidence from a wide range of sources to support findings and hypotheses in an acceptable manner

8 Program matrix CoursesSkills 12345678 Axxx Bxxx Cxxx Dxxxx Exxx Fxxx Gxxxxx

9 Program Specification  1- General Information  2- Core (Basic) Information  3- Professional Information

10 Regulation for Progression and Completion  Passing in all or some of registered courses  Completing the courses of major and  minor (units)  Others

11 Student Assessment (Policy)  TOOLS  Oral  Written exams  Assignments  Practical exams  Time schedule  Mid-term exam. (6 th week)  Practical exam. (12 th week)  Final exam. (14 th week)

12 Program Assessment  Peer reviewers  Graduates feedback  Stakeholder questionnaire  Skill - gap analysis Survey  Others

13 Program Report  1- General Information  2- Core (Basic) Information  3- Professional Information

14 General Information  University  College (Faculty)  Department  Title  Academic year

15 Basic Information  Criteria for selection and appointment of examiners  External evaluating system Existed Not existed

16 Specific Information Statistics No. of students attended the program Progression & completion rate(%) Trend of admission Examination results of graduation Pass (No) (%) Fail (No) (%) Grading percentage Excellent V good Good Pass

17 Academic Standards  What are the achieved academic standards?  Relevant Subject benchmarks

18 Intended Learning Outcomes What did the student achieved during the study of the program? Knowledge & Understanding Professional skills Transferable Skills

19 Program Structure  List of courses  Courses Specification

20 Strategies of Teaching & learning  Self-learning  Teaching and learning methods  Policy for teaching and learning of disables  Policy for teaching and learning of distinguished students

21 Program Admission Requirements  Specification  Pre-requisite Courses  Interviews  Passing written exam  Others

22 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS)  1- Knowledge and Understanding  2- Intellectual Skills  3- Professional Skills  4- General Skills ( computer- communication- administration)

23 Academic Standards  Academic Standards  Benchmarking

24 Program Structure Credit hours/ courses (%) Compulsory:Elective Courses of basic science (%) Courses of humanities and social sciences (%) Courses of computer applications (%) Courses in specification (%) Field training(%)

25 General Information  University  College (faculty)  Department  Title

26 Basic Information No. of academic years 4 years No. of credit hours or no. of courses Lectures Practical Criteria for selection and appointment of examiners External evaluating system Existed not existed:s

27 Professional Information  Aims - Aims - Broad - To be written in action verbs (e.g) By the end of this program the student should be able to : 1- Write the reports efficiently 2- Speak effectively

28 Teaching and learning Student support (disables& distinguished) Program guide Available Not available Consistency of program structure with ILOS Periodic and annual departmental review Annually More than one year Limitation and constraints

29 Assessment of ILOs  Tools.  Time Schedule.  Comments of external evaluator(s) (if any)

30 Teaching and Learning Facilities Students: staff ratio Adequacy of staff members, qualifications and allocation to program requirements Adequate to some extert not adequate Library services Laboratory falicities Computer Laboratories Cooperation with stakeholders to provide training opportunities Any other needs

31 Quality Management and Enhancement Monitoring procedure New courses Training and skills Suggestions of the stakeholders for development By whom, and when

32 Thank You

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