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Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …. Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 1st Peter  SALVATION : Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10  SUBMISSION.

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1 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …


3 Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 1st Peter  SALVATION : Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10  SUBMISSION : Appeal To Believers 2:11 – 3:12  SUFFERING : Attitude & Actions Of Believers 3:13 – 5:14

4 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s perspective in exhorting local church elders… v. 1b  He was a “fellow elder”  He was a “witness of Christ’s sufferings”  He was a “partaker of the glory to be revealed”

5 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortation to elders vv. 2-4  “Feed the flock of God among you…”  “Exercise oversight, not under compulsion, but voluntarily” 1 Tim 3:1  “Not for sordid gain, but with eagerness” 1 Tim 3:3 Titus 1:7

6 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortation to elders vv. 2-4  “Not lording it over those entrusted to your charge, but proving to be examples”  Reward Ù “When the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive an unfading crown”

7 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortation to elders also helps identify the pattern for local church work under the oversight of an eldership  Oversight = “…among you” v. 2  Protects & defends local church autonomy  A pattern abused, disobeyed by some

8 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2  Desires to do a work it deems “necessary”  Needs money to accomplish this  Determines their own treasury is insufficient  Decides to “sponsor” this work church of Christ X

9 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2 church of Christ X (Sponsoring Church) When church X depends on & receives funds from other local churches to do its work, elders extend their oversight beyond the “among you” limitation. Elders of church X now decide how the money from church A, church B, church C is spent. NOT THE PATTERN IN THE N.T.

10 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter The “Sponsoring Church” And 1 Pet 5:2 church of Christ A church of Christ B church of Christ C When churches A, B, C send money to another local church for that church’s work, and allows it to make decisions re: spending, local church autonomy is forfeited. Now, church X is dependent upon churches A, B, C. NOT THE PATTERN IN THE N.T.

11 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11  The younger submit (yield to) the older… recognizing their wisdom, experience v. 5a  All saints submit to each other…serving each others’ needs in humility v. 5b  God accepts humility…rejects pride

12 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11  “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you” v. 6  God does the exalting, not us Lk 18:14  “Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you” v. 7 Phil 4:6 Mt 6:25, 31, 34

13 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11  “Be sober, vigilant…the adversary (devil) prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour” v. 8  “Resist him, firm in your faith…other brethren like you are suffering” v. 9

14 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 “Submission In Suffering” 5:1-11  Peter’s exhortations to others vv. 5-11  “After you have suffered for a little while, God will perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you” v. 10  Praise to this God…our only hope of overcoming such tribulations !! v. 11

15 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Closing Admonitions 5:12-14  Mentions Silvanus…through him the letter was written v. 12  Greetings from those in “Babylon” v. 13a  Literal Babylon or Figurative Rome  Refer to comments on pp. 2-3

16 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Believers’ Suffering 3:13 – 5:14 Closing Admonitions 5:12-14  Greetings also from Mark v. 13b  A request that brethren continue to show love & concern for each other v. 14

17 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 1st Peter  SALVATION : Attainment Of Believers 1:1 – 2:10  SUBMISSION : Appeal To Believers 2:11 – 3:12  SUFFERING : Attitude & Actions Of Believers 3:13 – 5:14

18 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Peter’s Second Letter  1st letter focuses on hope of salvation in God and our responsibilities (submission, faithfulness during suffering)  2nd letter emphasizes knowledge of truth  Source Ù eyewitness testimony, prophecy  Necessity Ù false teachers, scoffers exist

19 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Peter’s Second Letter  Development of the Christian’s “spiritual character” is discussed 1:5-11  Letter’s purpose also given 1:12-15 3:1  A “reminder” of things saints already knew  It is sometimes good & necessary to review things one previously learned

20 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Lesson 1 – General Introduction Outline Of 2nd Peter  True Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  False Teachers Who Were To Come 2:1-22  Sure Promise In Which To Hope 3:1-18

21 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Again, Peter states “apostle” v. 1 1 Pet 1:1  He is also a “bondservant” v. 1  He addresses those who “…received a faith of the same kind as ours” v. 1  Believers possess “…all things pertaining to life & godliness” v. 3a

22 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  The life & godliness to be enjoyed is gained “…through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence” v. 3b  Because of these attributes, we can… v. 4a  …enjoy His promises Eph 1:3  …partake of the Divine nature Mt 10:25

23 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  To benefit from His promises and partake of His Divine nature, we must have “…escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts” v. 4b cp. 1 Pet 2:11 4:2-3  Because of what God has done (vv. 3-4), we are under obligation vv. 5-11

24 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  To be done “with all diligence” v. 5a  Start with FAITH Rom 10:17 Heb 11:6  “Foundation” cp. Mk 16:16b  Belief, trust in God enough to submit, obey  If stop here…“Faith Only” Jas 2:24

25 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add MORAL EXCELLENCE (VIRTUE) 1 Cor 16:13  Moral courage or energy in exercising faith  Vigor to do what is right cp. 1 Sam 4:9  If stop here…raw “zealotism”

26 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add KNOWLEDGE Rom 10:1-3  Wisdom, understanding of God’s will to supplement our “spiritual courage”  Necessary to avoid destruction cp. Hos 4:6  If stop here…arrogance 1 Cor 8:1-2

27 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add SELF-CONTROL  Use of knowledge to temper passions, etc.  Self-discipline re: the present 1 Cor 9:25, 27  One of the “fruits of the Spirit” Gal 5:23  If stop here…no concern for the future, others (must expand our “circle”)

28 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add PERSEVERANCE  Endurance, steadfast…no “quit” Heb 12:1  No wavering in long-term commitment  Overcoming “obstacles” 2 Cor 11:23-28  If stop here…character still not completely pointed in right direction

29 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add GODLINESS  To be “God-like” 1 Pet 1:15-16  To have deep respect, reverence for God  Characteristic of everyday life 1 Tim 2:1-2  If stop here…still no affection for others

30 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add BROTHERLY KINDNESS  Brother lovers 1 Pet 1:22 Heb 13:1  Affection for fellow believers  Word = Philadelphia  If stop here…no concern for outsiders

31 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Add LOVE  The way God loves Jn 3:16 Rom 5:8  A “serving love” (sacrificial) for all men  Word = Agape  Now…fully developed Christian character

32 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter A “Well-Rounded” Christian (2 Peter 1:5-11) Faith Virtue Knowledge -SelfControlPerseverance Godliness Brotherly Kindness Love

33 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  Traits need to be “ours & increasing” v. 8  Indicative of “diligent” growth vv. 5, 10  Possessing them renders us “neither useless or unfruitful in knowledge” v. 8  Lacking them = “blind…short-sighted… forgetting our purification from sin” v. 9

34 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  “Diligence” needed to make our “calling and election sure” v. 10a  GUARANTEE Ù “If you practice these you will never stumble” v. 10b  Not “Once Saved, Always Saved”  Assurance of the success of the will of God

35 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter Knowledge In Which To Grow 1:1-21  Developing Spiritual Character vv. 5-11  The “way” the entrance into the everlasting kingdom is “abundantly supplied” v. 11  “Supply” Ù to furnish at one’s own expense  We “supply” these spiritual characteristics  God “supplies” the entrance to heaven

36 Biblical Studies In 1st & 2nd Peter …

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