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{ Adjectives All the cool kids use adjectives!. An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.  The articles a, an, and the are also adjectives.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Adjectives All the cool kids use adjectives!. An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.  The articles a, an, and the are also adjectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Adjectives All the cool kids use adjectives!

2 An adjective describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.  The articles a, an, and the are also adjectives  Answers the questions what kind? which one? how many? or how much?  The frightened young child hid behind his mother. o The, frightened, and young modify child. Adjectives

3 Proper Adjective—created from a proper noun and is CAPITALIZED  Indiana summers can be very humid.  Indiana is a proper adjective. Predicate Adjective—follows a form of the “be” verb (or other linking verb) and describes the subject  Late autumn seems grim to those who love summer.  grim modifies autumn Types of Adjectives

4 Three forms of Adjectives: positive, comparative, and superlative  Positive form—describes a noun or pronoun without comparing it to anyone or anything else  MOST adjectives are in the positive  The first game was long and tiresome. Forms of Adjectives

5 Comparative form—(-er, more, or less)  compares two persons, places, things, or ideas  The second game was longer and more tiresome than the first. Superlative form—(-est, most, or least)  compares three or more persons, places, things, or ideas  The third game was the longest and most tiresome of all. Forms of Adjectives (con’t.)

6 PositiveComparativeSuperlative Bigbiggerbiggest Helpfulmore helpfulmost helpful Painfulless painfulleast painful NOTE: Use more and most or less and least instead of adding a suffix with many adjectives of two or more syllables

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