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Cartographic corrections to the Biogeographical map in the Caucasus area.

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1 Cartographic corrections to the Biogeographical map in the Caucasus area

2 Background INFO




6 Bio-geo regions with Google sat image Google sat maps with country border


8 Problems and suggested solution: 1)Use of another administrative regions map to cartographically correct the map (Esri-layer or other ?), keeping the “consistency” of the original map. There is no room for starting to discuss the biogeo-regions in itself. 2)The result should at the same time remove some very small polygons such as the steppic area in the border between Georgia and Armenia, and the Alpine zone in the border area between Turkey and Georgia 3)Remove former country borders from the original map and replace by the “accepted” country layer (only in Caucasus area: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) 4)Correct the biogeo-code for one polygon in Ukraine: from wrongly indicated continental to panonian at the border between Ukraine and Hungary. (just a change of code, no GIS changes required) 5)When downloading the existing biogeo map from EEA data centre, and transforming the layer to MapInfo format, it seems that the projection is not kept. Previous attempts to solve the problem were unsuccessful. Would be nice if we could look at this problem also. This problem occurred independently from each other for different users. This note, only summarizes the ideas, without going into all the details. It would be best to discuss these details before starting the practical work. Marc Roekaerts February 2015

9 1)Use of another administrative regions map to cartographically correct the map (Esri-layer or other?), keeping the “consistency” of the original map. There is no room for starting to discuss the biogeo-regions in itself. I checked the EEA data server and found following country border dataset: Administrative units 2010 at country level (1:100k) including Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Example: Marc Roekaerts (black) & comments by Manuel (green):

10 update region-polygon


12 2) The result should at the same time remove some very small polygons such as the steppic area in the border between Georgia and Armenia, and the Alpine zone in the border area between Turkey and Georgia I will remove the small polygons: removing small polygons:

13 3) Remove former country borders from the original map and replace by the “accepted” country layer (only in Caucasus area: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) OK – I will updated the former country borders of the three countries

14 4) Correct the biogeo-code for one polygon in Ukraine: from wrongly indicated continental to panonian at the border between Ukraine and Hungary. (just a change of code, no GIS changes required I will change following Polygon from conti to panonian:

15 5) When downloading the existing biogeo map from EEA data centre, and transforming the layer to MapInfo format, it seems that the projection is not kept. Previous attempts to solve the problem were unsuccessful. Would be nice if we could look at this problem also. This problem occurred independently from each other for different users. YES, the *.prj file is missing: (ETRS_1989_LAEA --EPSG-Code:3035) The updated version will have a projection file!

16 INPUT DATA Country border  Administrative units 2010 at country level (1:100k) including Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99), Oct Biogeograhical region  Europe 2011 - Rev. 1 – ######################################################## Emeralds

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