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Hydrology Unit Review. The continuous movement of water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean is called what? The Water Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrology Unit Review. The continuous movement of water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean is called what? The Water Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrology Unit Review

2 The continuous movement of water from the ocean to the atmosphere to the land and back to the ocean is called what? The Water Cycle

3 Most of the Earth surface is covered with what? Saltwater

4 Small organisms which live on the surface of the ocean and produce food and oxygen through photosynthesis are called what? phytoplankton

5 Which zone of the ocean would organisms which can tolerate the highest pressures live? The abyssal zone

6 Water collects underground in areas called what? aquifers

7 Most of the oil that pollutes the ocean is caused by what kind of pollution? Non point-source

8 Continually removing more fish from an area of the ocean than the fish population can replace is known as what? Overfishing

9 The technology which uses sound waves to measure the depth of water is called what? Sonar

10 The process of using energy from the sun to create sugar from carbon dioxide and water is known as what? photosynthesis

11 What is the only ocean zone which is not covered with water at all times? The inter-tidal zone

12 A measure of the amount of dissolved salts in a given amount of water is called what? Salinity

13 The most abundant salt in the ocean is what? Sodium Chloride

14 When liquid water changes to water vapor what is that called? Evaporation

15 When freshwater streams flow directly into the salt water of the ocean what marine ecosystem is formed? An Estuary

16 The feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem is known as what? A Food Web

17 The large flat area of the deep ocean basin is known as what? The Abyssal Plain

18 When water vapor cools and becomes liquid water we call it what? Condensation

19 A rise of cold water from deep in the ocean to the warmer surface is called what? upwelling

20 The Ocean Current which takes tropical water to England keeping the weather on the British Isles warmer and wetter than it otherwise would be is known as what? The Gulf Stream

21 The introduction of harmful substances into the environment is called what? pollution

22 The area of land that feeds a river system is called what? Watershed, river basin

23 Protective borders of vegetation along a stream are called what? Riparian zones

24 The measure of the percent of a rock layer which is made up of space is called what? porosity

25 What law did congress pass which regulates pollution in our nation’s waters? The Clean Water Act

26 Finding stoneflies larvae in a stream indicates what about the stream? It is healthy

27 What would you be testing if you were lowering a Secchi Disk into water? turbidity

28 What are the two primary challenges with human exploration of the deep ocean? Temperature and pressure

29 The most significant non- pointsource pollution in North Carolina waterways? sediment

30 Parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism are all forms of what? symbiosis

31 High levels of coliform bacteria found in a creek could indicate what kind of pollution is entering the creek? Human or Animal waste

32 The greatest amount of biomass in a healthy ecosystem is found in which kinds of organisms? Producers

33 Organisms which live together in a relationship where both organisms benefit are in what kind of symbiotic relationship? mutualism

34 The producers found at smoker vents deep in the ocean, produce food by what process? chemosynthesis

35 What is most likely to increase the flow rate in a stream? precipitation

36 The relationship of feeding between organisms in an ecosystem is known as what? The Food Web

37 What device is used to measure precipitation? Rain gauge

38 An organism in an ecosystem that depends on specific conditions to survive might be able to be used as what? A bioindicator

39 What is the most important factor in the survival of most aquatic organisms? Dissolved oxygen

40 When the source of pollution can be traced back to a single, specific site, it is known as what kind of pollution? Point source

41 All water on the Earth is collectively known as what? The Hydrosphere

42 The cause of increased algal bloom in water might be the result of what kind of pollution? Nutrients, fertilizer, animal waste

43 In drought conditions, what happens to the water table? it gets lower

44 Upwelling is important to the ocean environment because it brings what to the surface? nutrients

45 Run off from roads and parking lots would be considered what kind of pollution? Non-point source

46 How does acid rain affect the pH in water? It decreases it

47 When water vapor cools (or loses energy) and changes back into the liquid form of water what is occurring? condensation

48 Organisms which can indicate the health of a stream by their numbers are known as what? Bio-indicators., macroinvertebrates

49 The downward movement of water through the soil is known as what? percolation

50 What are two kinds of pollution which result in the reduction of dissolved oxygen (DO) in bodies of water? Thermal and nutrient pollution

51 What happens to many aquatic organisms when the dissolved oxygen levels in water become too low? They suffocate, can’t breathe

52 Autotrophic organisms play what role in the ecosystem? producers

53 The ability of a fluid (like water) to pass through a layer of rock or sediment is called what? permeability

54 The zone of aeration and the zone of saturation meet at a boundary known as what? Water table

55 What two steps of the water cycle are primarily responsible for cleaning the water of contaminants? Evaporation and percolation

56 What do we call the step in the water treatment process which allows large particles to be removed ? Filtration

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