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Why Should We Care About
Mercury Deposition? David Gay Illinois State Water Survey University of Illinois Champaign, IL (217)
Goal of this Presentation….
Describe the issues surrounding the mercury problem, and Introduce you to how we operate and measure wet deposition (& dry deposition).
Why Monitor for Mercury in Precipitation? Issues Surrounding Mercury
NWQMN’s “Relevant Questions”
2. Which water quality-related coastal resource management issues would be addressed by the Network? Examples Excessive algal growth, loss of aquatic vegetation Toxic chemicals in food chains, and fish consumption advisories Protracted, recurring or episodic hypoxic (or anoxic) conditions Habitat loss or impairment affecting propagation of fish and wildlife resources Harmful algal blooms that pose human health risks Beach and shellfish bed closures Impacts of extreme natural events and climate change Quantity and trends in freshwater delivery, groundwater contamination, and atmospheric deposition of contaminants.
Problems NWQMN is Designed to Address
…. improving the water quality of our streams, estuaries and coastal waters… …. 22,000 waterbodies are not attaining their designated uses … Transport of contaminants from non-point sources: Atmospheric Deposition – rapid and long-range transport of certain pollutants Groundwater flow – wide range of residence time Seepage from on-site waste treatment -- septic systems Agricultural drainage -- fertilizer and manure applications Runoff from coastal watersheds Riverine transport from upland watersheds –gathering pollutants from multiple sources others….
The mercury problem? Bioaccumulation
Through Fall (wet+dry) Dry Deposition Wet Deposition Geologic Sources (soil, rock, base flow etc.) Litter Fall Water Body Hg Hg Hg Me-Mercury Concentration Methylation predatory fish Bacterial action (water and sediment) Zooplankton Small fish
Why monitor for Mercury in Precipitation?
Atmospheric transport and deposition is the dominant pathway to most aquatic ecosystems. Between 40 and 75% of the mercury input to lakes and streams is by wet deposition most falls into water; <20% of catchment deposition reaches lake probably less in the West. (Sorensen et al., 1997; Scherbatskoy et al., 1997; Lamborg et al., 2005; Mason et al., 1997) “New” mercury is more likely converted to organic form than “old” mercury (preliminary, METAALICUS)
How Mercury is Wet Deposited
Hgp RGM RGM Hgo Hgo Hgp rainout Hgp RGM washout
How Mercury is Wet Deposited
RGM Oxidation Hgo Oxidation RGM
Atmospheric Mercury Species Abundance
Hg0 – Elemental Mercury (lifetime up to 1 year) RGM – Reactive Gaseous Mercury (lifetime hours to days) Typical Atm. Mercury Species Abundance ng/m3 Hgp – Particulate Bound Mercury (lifetime hours to days)
Many Mercury Sources Volcanoes (St. Helens) Enriched ores/soils
Tectonic (plate) boundaries Cinnabar (HgS), taconite, others Soil surfaces (0.5 ppm in crust) Fresh water and oceans Forests (surfaces and stomates) Forest fires (wood fire places?) Tree bark, volatilization from rocks? Coal combustion (Power 50t/yr) Incineration Industrial emissions chlor-alkali cement production (lime) Hg use in mining and mining of Hg Automobile Recycling Mercury in Landfills fluorescent lamps dental amalgams (also in sewers) thermometers, batteries electrical switches Taconite mining low-grade iron ore, a flintlike rock usually containing less than 30% iron. Resistant to drilling and to the extraction of its contained metal, the rock was long considered worthless. Experiments begun in 1912 by the American scientist Edward W. Davis and continued by him for nearly 40 years produced the pelletizing method for upgrading the ore. The development of the jet piercer (a high-temperature flame thrower) provided penetration speeds of up to 40 ft (12 m) an hour for blasting holes in the rock. In 1956 exploitation of the vast reserves of taconite in the Mesabi range of Minnesota was begun by some of the largest steel companies in the United States. In 1997, 45 million tons mined in Minnesota alone Taconite is an iron-bearing, high-silica, flint-like rock. It is a Precambrian sedimentary rock referred to as a banded iron formation due to the typical alternating iron-rich layers and shale or chert layers. The very finely dispersed iron content, present as magnetite, is generally 25 to 30%. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, iron ore was of such high quality that taconite was considered an uneconomic waste product. After World War II, most of the high grade ore in the United States had been mined out, and so taconite was turned to as a new source of iron. To process taconite, the ore is ground into a fine powder, the iron is separated from the waste rock by using strong magnets, and then the powdered iron concentrate is combined with bentonite clay and limestone as a flux and rolled into pellets about one centimeter in diameter. The pellets are heated to very high temperatures to oxidize the magnetite (Fe3O4) to hematite (Fe2O3) for further processing. The Mesabi Iron Range region of the American state of Minnesota is a major production area. The taconite iron concentrate is shipped through Two Harbors and the Twin Ports of Duluth, Minnesota and Superior, Wisconsin, both on Lake Superior. The ore is generally shipped to other locations on the Great Lakes. Many steelmaking centers are located near Lake Erie. Originally the ore was unloaded by hand; from about 1900 through 1992, great machines called Hulett ore unloaders performed the task. Self-unloading ships made the Huletts obsolete.
Map of Fish Consumption Warnings (EPA)
Conclusion It is important to measure the major source of mercury input to your water bodies Fits the purpose of your network Important contribution to your water bodies Definitely a water concern fish wildlife humans
here is how we operate and measure mercury…..
How Should You Monitor? here is how we operate and measure mercury…..
The Mercury Deposition Network?
A 93 site sub-network of the NADP Measuring wet deposition of mercury Our Charge: to determine if trends exist in wet deposition of mercury over time
How Do We Measure Wet? ETI or Ott_Pluvio
Where We Measure Mercury
(Active Sites, May 2006)
Analysis Methods Cold Vapor Atomic Florescence Spectroscopy (CVAFS)
Contract Lab is Frontier Geosciences, Inc. EPA Method 1631 reporting Limit – 0.2 ng/L detection appr ng/L report concentration (ng/L) Two precipitation depth measurements rain gage bottle catch report deposition (ng/m2 week)
Problems, Things to Remember
Very low concentrations (ng/L), so contamination is always a concern, Mercury is volatile, so loss is possible, Cleaning Glassware No Teflon Keeping lab clean Gloves on site Strict protocols
Problems, Things to Remember
Sampling difficulties Hard to measure low concentrations Rain bounce Cold always a problem Light rain events very difficult but have the high concentrations Good Operators are essential, Need lots of sites Concentration change over space Precipitation is highly variable
MDN is being integrated into NWQMN
M. Brigham/USGS Locating MDN sites on the side of water bodies of concern Michigan (MI31), north east of Detroit South Carolina (SC05), coastal New Jersey (NJ30), Rutgers area Provides him with input values, wet deposition
MDN integration……… M. Risch/USGS Has five MDN sites in Indiana
Along Ohio River (IN21) Side of Lake Michigan (IN34) Also measuring atmospheric concentrations and calculating dry deposition Reporting total mercury deposition
Other Things We Measure
Methyl mercury in rainfall methyl comes down in rain also Trace metals in rainfall
QA Summary, Docs and the like
Quality Management Plan Quality Assurance Plan Program and lab Blanks, Lab Blanks Blind Tests run by USGS
Mercury Concentrations in Precipitation
Mercury Wet Deposition 2004
Total Deposition (we need to estimate dry deposition)
Measurements of Dry Deposition
? Very few measurements Very few calculations of dry deposition BUT YOU WANT TOTAL DEPOSTION (wet + dry)
Modeling Dry Deposition
Seigneur and others, ES&T, 2004, V38,
Sampling box for manual system
Plans for Dry Deposition Manually Operated Mercury Species Sampling Monitoring station for manually-operated sampling system EPA Method IO-5 Gold-Trap Method for Hg0 i Sampling box for manual system
Automated Hg Speciation
PHg Methods are: -Lab Tested -Widely used -QA challenged -EPA Accepted RGM Hg0
Future Directions for MDN
Monitoring Network Design Document Where future sites should be located Environmental Response Committee Dry Deposition Initiative
Why Should We Care About
Mercury Deposition? David Gay Illinois State Water Survey University of Illinois Champaign, IL (217)
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