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Fifth Grade Mrs. Azevada. 14 years of experience (11 in Elk Grove Unified) 3 rd grade – 2 years 4 th grade – 1 year 4 th /5 th Combo – 1 year 5 th grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Fifth Grade Mrs. Azevada. 14 years of experience (11 in Elk Grove Unified) 3 rd grade – 2 years 4 th grade – 1 year 4 th /5 th Combo – 1 year 5 th grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fifth Grade Mrs. Azevada

2 14 years of experience (11 in Elk Grove Unified) 3 rd grade – 2 years 4 th grade – 1 year 4 th /5 th Combo – 1 year 5 th grade – 10 years

3 Madeline 6 Nicholas 4

4 Common Core State Standards California joins more than 40 states in adopting the CCSS Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are an updated set of academic standards that have been developed with the intention of unifying learning expectations for students across all states. New Standards for these Academic Areas: English Language Arts (ELA) Math

5 Go Math! New adoption alligned with CCSS Consumable “textbooks” Homework will look different Online help Math Facts (80 facts in 2 minutes) Example: Traditional problem: 3 + 1.5=? CCSS problem: There were 4.5 pounds of chocolate in 2 bags. Show as many different combinations for the 2 bags as you can.

6 English Language Arts (ELA) Open Court Novels Whole class Small group (Workshop) A.R.-15 points per trimester

7 Writing Directed topics Journal responses Choice writing Daily Oral Language (D.L.R.) Essays Stories Response to literature D.B.Q.s

8 Social Studies United States history Geography Native Americans Colonies During the summer of 2000 and 2006, I participated in the Colonial Williamsburg Teacher Institute in Virginia

9 Science Mrs. Butz Tues. & Thurs Esci grant

10 Health/Fitness P.E.-Tues & Thurs Fitness Gram Test in May Upper body strength Cardio Flexibility BMI Water bottle, fruit and veggies allowed in class

11 Grading Policy Every student starts with straight A’s! Some assignments are checked off for completion Grades are a compilation of: Classwork Homework Projects Quizzes Tests

12 Late Work Trimester 1: -10% Trimester 2: -50% Trimester 3: Automatic Zero

13 Wednesday Folders Main source of communication between home and school Contains corrected work that needs to be filed in binder Contains flyers, field trip forms etc. Return folder on Thursday Volunteers needed on to stuff WednesdayFolders

14 Missing Assignments/Progress Reports Sent home in Wednesday Folders Every other week Sign and return on Thursday



17 Behavior Color Coded Chart Green-Great Yellow-Warning Blue-Time Out, Loss of Recess Orange-Log In, parent notification Red-citation, office involvement

18 Rewards Azevada Bucks-raffles on Friday POPCORN Lunch Bunch Ketchup and Relish

19 Homework Homework is assigned daily at the beginning of the year and then weekly on Mondays. All students are REQUIRED to write down all homework assignments in their Agendas or Binder Reminders. Parents should check this planner daily and/or my blog. Expect Spelling, Math and A.R. on a nightly basis.


21 Spelling 25 points due on Fridays Lists and activities are on the blog

22 Field Trips Still in the works! Discussions include: Exploratorium Planetarium Play River Cats

23 Supplies Binder 2 in Extra pencils Colored markers or pencils Washcloth/ sock for eraser Dividers-5 One spiral journal notebook

24 Your Help is Needed Wednesday Folders Copying Art Docent Correcting PFO membership Unity Carnival parent helper School safety with traffic

25 Supplies Needed boxes of tissues cleaning wipes raffle items Lunch Bunch snacks (licorice, Fruit by the Foot, gummies) pencils popcorn markers/ colored pencils lined paper

26 Blog

27 Fifth Grade Mrs. Azevada

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