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Reading Performance Tasks: General Information 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Performance Tasks: General Information 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Performance Tasks: General Information 2011-2012

2 How much do we have to read this year? According to the Georgia Performance Standard, every middle school student will read approximately one million words or the equivalent of 25 books.

3 Do we really have to read 25 books? No! It’s more about the number of words you read! We have a formula (that is too complicated to explain) which was used to determine how many pages it takes to reach one million words.

4 So how many pages do we have to read? You will have to read 3,120 pages to meet the one million word standard.

5 WHAT? 3,120 pages? That’s impossible! It is actually VERY possible. The greatest thing about our reading standard is that we can count everything we read! If you have a reading assignment for social studies, we count it! We count those pages you read for science too!

6 So how much do I have to read on my own? You are required to complete one performance task per nine week period to show evidence of independent reading that is on or above your reading level. This is the Independent Reading Material/Silent Reading book you are supposed to take with you to every class.

7 How do I show evidence of what I have read? There are several different performance tasks that you may choose from to provide evidence of your reading. Additional options may be added during the year. a)Book Review b)Character Playlist/Book Soundtrack c)Character Diary d)Newspaper e)Letter to a Media Specialist f)Create a Scene g)Propose Your Own

8 Reading Requirements Guidelines and templates for each of the options are available on the on the blog. Make sure you follow the directions closely as failure to do so could result in your not being able to count your book.

9 Will I get class time to work on my reading requirements? Yes. We will do our best to have at least 30 minutes a week of in class reading time. This may be all on one day or spread out throughout the week depending on the other tasks we are working on. If you have finished reading your book and are ready to work on your performance task, you may use the independent reading time to do so. *Special Note– Some of your independent reading time is at the end of class once you have completed your daily tasks. It is very important, therefore, that you come to class prepared and ready to focus in order to use your time most wisely.

10 When are our performance tasks due? All performance tasks have an oral presentation element. Check the blog for specific presentation dates for each nine weeks. You must turn in a performance task information sheet when you sign up for your presentation date. Performance Tasks will not be accepted before your selected presentation date. We just don’t have the space in our classroom to store them.

11 How does the Reading Performance Task effect my Language Arts grade? Reading Performance Tasks count as a test grade. You will also receive a classwork grade for your presentation. Since they are not due until the last week of each grading period, Performance Tasks will be included on the following nine week’s grades.

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