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Tool kit for making Carnival Masks. First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme.

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Presentation on theme: "Tool kit for making Carnival Masks. First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tool kit for making Carnival Masks

2 First, talk about Carnivals then choose a theme.

3 Design stage In booklets, draw and write four different potential mask designs onto the basic mask templates. When completed, choose one of the mask designs to develop further, adding emotions and facial expressions to give the masks a sense of character

4 Essential Tools and Materials required card glitter / sequins feathers masking tape paints and brushes scissors coloured tissue paper / shiny paper / cellophane ribbon / string

5 Create your mask template Begin by drawing around the outline of your chosen mask template onto card. Masking tape can be used to stop it sliding around! Use scissors to carefully cut out your template. For the eyes, make a hole by using a knife or pencil, pressing through onto the carpet. Add to the template in any way you fancy. Remember that pencil lines can be rubbed out!

6 Mask Bases Masks can be built upon by using materials such as paper straws, newspaper, egg cartons and even paper mache to create certain features such as a bird’s beak or a fox’s nose. To create this effect, screw up pieces of newspaper into a mounded structure, taping this down with masking tape to form more of a 3D shape to the mask.

7 Decorate your mask with paint and/or collage Get creative with colour and transfer your chosen design onto your mask base! Experiment with different sized brushes. Try using tissue or shiny paper too.

8 Methods of decoration Painting, collage, sticking, stapling...

9 Decorative materials: feathers, pom poms, fabric, sequins, ribbon, glitter. Prepare add on materials to embellish your mask Materials can be stuck onto the masks using glue or masking tape. Glitter can also be sprinkled over wet paint.

10 Wearing your mask Punch holes in either side of your mask. Tie two pieces of string or ribbon to the holes, one on each side. Tie the two pieces of ribbon behind your head to wear it!

11 Wear your mask with pride and get into the carnival spirit!

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