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Published byRosanna Freeman Modified over 9 years ago
Lesson 1 Resources needed: New exercise books Glue and scissors
Target sheets Level ladder sheets Citizenship/PSHE Card Sort
Welcome your teacher this year will be ............ for… Citizenship &
2 Welcome your teacher this year will be for… Citizenship & PSHE
Citizenship Introduce the subject. Set ground rules together.
3 Introduce the subject. Set ground rules together. Have a clear understanding of PSHE and Citizenship. Lesson Objective:
4 Organise yourself into in to a line from the shortest to tallest members of the class. Tallest Shortest
Organise yourself into in to a birthday line from January to December
5 Organise yourself into in to a birthday line from January to December December January
6 Stand in a line next to someone of the opposite sex who you do not know at all.
Meet your new exercise book
7 I Meet your new exercise book Your name 9b2 Mr Citizenship & PSHE You should label your book to look like this. Use a pen and write neatly (take your time). We do most written work in our book. It’s important that we keep it as neat and tidy as possible. It’s something to be proud of!
Some ideas from last year
8 Backing your book Some ideas from last year We back our books to protect them, but also to make them more individual to you and the subject. You should back your book by next week – it’s homework (write it in your planner).
Stick in the target sheet into the front here
9 Target Sheet Use glue Stick in the target sheet into the front here This sheet is where you write your target grade and keep track of what you get in each of the end of unit assessments.
Fold your level ladder and stick it into the back of your book.
1010 Level Ladder Fold your level ladder and stick it into the back of your book. This sheet is your guide to the different levels in Citizenship
What should our ground rules be?
1111 What should our ground rules be?
PSHE & Citizenship Can you remember this?
1212 PSHE & Citizenship Can you remember this? Citizenship is about learning how decisions are made in our local area, the UK and around the world. It gives you the skills to make a difference and change things around you. PSHE is about your own development. It’s all about making good choices and staying safe. Learning about how to manage your money and thinking about future careers is also part of PSHE.
What’s the difference between PSHE & Citizenship?
1313 What’s the difference between PSHE & Citizenship? They are very different, it’s like Science and Maths. At Bradfield we generally study PSHE one term and Citizenship the next (or the other way around). Citizenship PSHE Citizenship Citizenship Task Arrange the cards into two separate piles. Which topics are PSHE and which are Citizenship?
Could do with more explanation
1414 Citizenship Introduce the subject. Set ground rules together. Have a clear understanding of PSHE and Citizenship. Lesson Objective: Thumbs up Understood Thumbs in the middle Could do with more explanation Thumbs down Didn’t understand
Lesson 2 Resources needed:
1515 Lesson 2 Resources needed: Starter sheets ‘fair and unfair situations’. Demon Headmaster clip from youtube. SLT cut and stick sheets. Glue and Scissors. Big flip chart paper for each group. Interview with School Councillor video. Homework sheet
Citizenship Starter Task
1616 5 minutes Starter Task Read the situations and decide which are fair/unfair. Extension: Try to explain why. Reminder: Your planner should be on the desk.
Be able to explain why fairness is important.
Citizenship 1717 Be able to explain why fairness is important. Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. Lesson Objective: Today’s Big Question is: Does ‘Fairness’ Matter?
Fairness is… Write ideas from the class in here... 1818
T h i n g s b e i n g s h a r e d e q u a l l y a m o n g s t p e o p l e . P e o p l e b e i n g t r e a t e d e q u a l l y H a v i n g a r i g h t t o s p e a k y o u r m i n d Lesson Objective Be able to explain why ‘fairness’ is important Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. 1818 Fairness is… Write ideas from the class in here...
The Demon Headmaster Thinking Question:
1919 Video file on the MLE in Citizenship / Y7 / School Council / L2 resources Lesson Objective Be able to explain why ‘fairness’ is important Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. 8 minutes The Demon Headmaster Thinking Question: 1) In what ways is the Demon Headmaster unfair? 2) Who makes all the decisions in the school?
Mr Holmes Assistant Head
Lesson Objective Be able to explain why ‘fairness’ is important Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. 2020 10 minutes Title: Who makes big decisions at Bradfield School? The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Task At Bradfield School our Senior Leadership Team (SLT) try to be fair when making big decisions. Who are they? Cut and stick. Mr Conway Head Teacher Dr Gilbert Deputy Head Mr Holmes Assistant Head Mr Beaumont Assistant Head Mrs Barker Assistant Head
2121 Lesson Objective Be able to explain why ‘fairness’ is important Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. Plenary: Turn to the person next to you and explain a situation that you think was unfair. Be prepared to share it with the class.
Lesson 3 Resources needed: Sam Harden clip
2222 Lesson 3 Resources needed: Sam Harden clip ‘My ideal School Councillor’ sheets
2323 Fair Decisions 3 minutes Starter Task Quickly draw and label at least one item that would be in your perfect school uniform. Examples I think we should have a blazer because they look smart I think we should have a tie so I can learn to tie one
Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools.
2424 Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. Lesson Objectives:
What do you think about your new uniform?
2525 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. Before the summer a decision was taken to change the school’s uniform What do you think about your new uniform? 1 finger = hate 10 fingers/thumbs = love
2626 Group Task On your table decide what could be done to make sure that introducing a new uniform was fair. Record your answers in a big spider diagram and be ready to share with the class. What could be done to make sure that introducing a new uniform was fair? Extension: Who are the ‘stakeholders’ in this decision? Hint: Stakeholders are groups of people with an interest in the issue.
2727 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. 3 minutes Task Whilst watching the clip, tick anything Sam mentions that is already on your list and add any good ideas that you didn’t think about. Now we know how decisions can be made fairly, we are going to look at what being a school councillor is like.
What is a ‘personal quality’?
2828 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. 2 minutes What is a ‘personal quality’? Determined Hard working Alan Sugar is a successful businessman and Member of the House of Lords (part of our Parliament). Decisive Innovative Thinker Task: Close your eyes for 30 seconds and think of a personal quality for someone in your group. Be prepared to share your idea(s) with the rest of the class.
Read the all of the qualities
2929 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. 5 minutes Group Work Task What qualities make a good School Councillor? Read the all of the qualities As a table decide which qualities would make a good School Councillor
My Ideal School Councillor
3030 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. 10 minutes My Ideal School Councillor Title Draw a stick person in your Citizenship exercise book. Choose five of the most important qualities from your A3 sheet and write them around your stick person. Feel free to add your own qualities. Extension: The most important quality in a School Councillor is because
Plenary: 60 second challenge
3131 Lesson Objective Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. Plenary: 60 second challenge With a partner on your table sum up what you have learnt in today’s lesson. Be prepared to share your ideas with the class.
Homework Complete the School Council worksheet for THUR 13TH SEPT 3232
Lesson Objective Be able to explain why ‘fairness’ is important Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in school. 5 minutes Homework Complete the School Council worksheet for THUR 13TH SEPT Write this in your planner: ‘Citizenship homework, complete worksheet’.
Could do with more explanation
3333 Give examples of how decisions can be made fairly in schools. Describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. Lesson Objectives: Thumbs up Understood Thumbs in the middle Could do with more explanation Thumbs down Didn’t understand
Lesson 4 Resources needed: Card sort (School Council Key Words).
3434 Lesson 4 Resources needed: Card sort (School Council Key Words). The Election template sheets (A4)
Citizenship Decide what links these images together School Council
3535 2 minutes Starter Task Decide what links these images together School Councillors worked on the new school uniform that you are now wearing. School Council School Councillors interviewed the current Head for his job School Councillors have met with catering staff to tell them what they think about the menu
Could do with more explanation
3636 Citizenship Explain the purpose of School Council. Describe how School Council works. Lesson Objective: Thumbs up Understood Thumbs in the middle Could do with more explanation Thumbs down Didn’t understand
How does Bradfield’s Student Voice work?
3737 Give out a copy for individual students to stick into their books How does Bradfield’s Student Voice work? All students Feedback & consult Each Tutor group votes for... School Parliament All 88 Councillors meet together once per term in a town hall style meeting x1 KS4 member x1 KS3 member Feedback & consult House Councils selects 1 student from each year group to attend... Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Curie Da Vinci Sharman They attend House Council... House Councils Brunel School Council 5 students from each House who meet every two weeks at lunchtime Feedback & consult
Be able to explain what is involved in an election.
3838 Citizenship Lesson Objective: Be able to explain what is involved in an election. Be able give examples of how School Council can be used to create change. Today’s Big Question is: How can you change things in school?
= = = = = Student Voice Key Words Card Sort 3939 Group Task
Match the word to it’s correct definition. = = = =
School Democracy Watch the four animations about Sal’s life at School.
4040 Lesson Objective Be able to explain what is involved in an election. Be able to give examples of how School Council can be used to create change. 20 minutes School Democracy Click Here Watch the four animations about Sal’s life at School. Question: How does Sal decide to change her school? Watch very carefully so you can create your own cartoon later
4141 Lesson Objective Be able to explain the purpose of School Council. Be able to describe what qualities are important in a School Councillor. 25 minutes The Election Make your own cartoon election story. Just like Sal, your character should have a reason for wanting to get elected. What do they want to change? Draw 8 pictures showing your election story. Write an explanation below each pictures using the keywords in the box. Tell a story. Keywords you might want to include: Petitions, Single Issue, Voting, Candidate, Campaigning Hint: If you’re not a great artist, draw stick people.
Understand some things
Citizenship 4242 Lesson Objective: Be able to explain what is involved in an election. Be able give examples of how School Council can be used to create change. Thumbs up I get it Thumbs in the middle Understand some things Thumbs down Didn’t understand
Lesson 5 Resources needed: Writing frames (lower ability)
4343 Lesson 5 Resources needed: Writing frames (lower ability) Possibly copies of level slide and starter sentence slide for tables
To an win election need you to campaign.
4444 Citizenship 2 minutes Starter Task Try to unscramble the sentences below To an win election need you to campaign. are done by secret Elections ballot. The person is the with the highest votes number winner of.
Answers Citizenship To win an election you need to campaign.
4545 Citizenship 2 minutes Answers Starter Task Try to unscramble the sentences below To win an election you need to campaign. Elections are done by secret ballot. The winner is the person with the highest number of votes.
Be able to campaign for votes.
4646 Citizenship Lesson Objective: Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. Today’s Big Question is: How do we make choices democratically?
What qualities did you decide a House/School Councillor should have?
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 4747 Chosen by fellow Year 7 students What qualities did you decide a House/School Councillor should have? Good communicator Reliable Has opinions Respects others Can make difficult decisions Open minded Hardworking Is determined Cares about others Prepared to give up some time Wants to make our community a better place Confident Listens to others
Mock House Council Election
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 4848 Assessment Mock House Council Election To prepare you for the actual elections in your vertical tutor groups (which will take place soon). We will be running a mock election in this Citizenship class. A mock election is another way of saying a ‘pretend’ or ‘practice’ election.
1 2 3 4 How will the election run in my vertical tutor group? Nominate
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 4949 How will the election run in my vertical tutor group? 1 Nominate Say that you would like to stand or nominate someone else for the job. 2 Speeches Use the speech you prepare today in your Citizenship class to help you. Hi 3 Candidate Hustings Listen to the candidates and then make up your mind who to vote for. 4 Secret Ballot Decide who you want to vote for and put a cross beside their name
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 5050 30 minutes Level Speech Assessment Hi Title Be able to give reasons why you have the qualities needed to be a good School Councillor. Be able to explain how your qualities will allow you to do a good job if elected as School Councillor. Do all of the above whilst also describing what issues you want to change in school (like school dinners etc) and describing how you might go about doing it (think back to how Sal went about campaigning for girls to wear skirts). L3 L4 L5
Example Candidate Speech
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. Use the writing frame for lower ability students. 5151 Hi Example Candidate Speech Level 3 Hello my name is Sarah and I am standing to be your voice on School Council. I would like to get your vote today because I think that I have the qualities necessary to be an excellent representative. I am hard working, reliable and dedicated, as well as good at making decisions and an excellent communicator. These qualities mean that I will be able to work hard on your behalf. Being hard working, reliable and dedicated means that you can rely on me to turn up to meetings and air your views at meetings. You can also have faith that I will use my good communication skills and confidence to feedback to our form and find out what you think on issues. The biggest issue that I would like to change as your School Councillor is the quality of school meals. People often complain about the lack of selection or small portion sizes. If elected I would suggest these changes at School Council. I will meet with Mr Conway and the Head Cook to find out about the problem and I will create a petition for everyone in Year 7 to sign to show their support. I think that by working together we can be successful at changing school meals. I hope that you will vote for me and thank you for listening. A vote for Sarah is a vote for change! Level 4 Level 5
Starter Sentences 5252 I would make a good
Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 5252 I would make a good House Councillor because... The biggest issue I would change is... Hello my name is... I know this is an issue because... Starter Sentences I know this is an issue because... Some people might disagree with me and say... I would change things by.... Hi I hope that you will vote for me...
Mock Candidate Hustings
S e l e c t a s m a l l n u m b e r o f s t u d e n t s p r e p a r e d t o h u s t ( r e a d t h e i r s p e e c h e s o u t ) t o r u n y o u r m o c k e l e c t i o n . 5353 Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 10 minutes Mock Candidate Hustings Listen to the candidates and then make up your mind who to vote for One candidate from each table should sit at the front of the room Everyone should listen to what the candidates have to say. You need to be a quality audience. If we have time you can ask the candidates questions
Select a small number of students prepared to hust (read their speeches out) to run your mock election. 5454 Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 5 minutes Secret Ballot Time to vote for your choice. On your ballot paper write the name of the person you want to cast your vote for. The Candidates in this Election are: Insert Name The voting system we are using today is called First Past The Post (FPTP).
Thank you for voting in our First Past The Post (FPTP) Election.
5555 Lesson Objective Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. 5 minutes Results Thank you for voting in our First Past The Post (FPTP) Election. The winner is insert name. Congratulations to everyone who took part! Remember to pick up a parent permission letter from Mrs Pipes so that you can go to the training day next Thursday.
Be able to campaign for votes.
5656 Citizenship Lesson Objective: Be able to campaign for votes. Take part in a mock democratic election. Thumbs up I can do that! Thumbs in the middle I can do some things Thumbs down I don’t understand!
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