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ALICE/CLARA, The Latin American Networking Initiative Florencio I. Utreras Executive Director of CLARA September 26, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ALICE/CLARA, The Latin American Networking Initiative Florencio I. Utreras Executive Director of CLARA September 26, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALICE/CLARA, The Latin American Networking Initiative Florencio I. Utreras Executive Director of CLARA September 26, 2005

2 ALICE: Latin America gets Connected to Europe EC Funded project within the @LIS Program –12.5 Million Euros. 10 Million from EC, 2.5 Million from LA NREN’s –3 years –Provides infrastructure, training, seminars, meetings, dissemination, sustainability actions Starting Date May 30, 2003 First infrastructure tender in June 2003

3 ALICE Landmarks August 31, 2004: First packets exchanged between LA and Europe (Santiago-Madrid) November 30, 2004: Network Backbone is closed, AR- BR-MX-PA-CL-AR December 12, 2004: Venezuela is connected to the backbone April 18, 2005: Perú gets on line June 7, 2005: Uruguay becomes the latest addition to the Network September 2005: Costa Rica and Panamá connect to RedCLARA All countries connected by December 2005

4 GEANT September 2005 RedCLARA: The LA Network Provided by ALICE

5 GEANT October 2005 RedCLARA: The LA Network Provided by ALICE

6 GEANT October 2005 RedCLARA: The LA Network Provided by ALICE

7 GEANT October 2005 RedCLARA: The LA Network Provided by ALICE

8 ALICE Achievements Creation of CLARA, the organization of LA NREN’s –18 (100%) LA Countries –Legally established in Uruguay –Management structure in place Establishment of RedCLARA –The Network –The Operations are carried out by CUDI in Mexico –The Engineering is subcontracted to RNP in Brazil –The Information Systems is subcontracted to REUNA in Chile

9 The CLARA Organization Cooperación Latino-Americana de Redes Avanzadas Coordination amongst LA-NREN and other stakeholders Cooperation for the promotion of scientific and technologic development Planning and implementation of network services for regional interconnection Development of a regional network (here called RedCLARA) to interconnect the NRENs operated by its members

10 CLARA features Association of NRENs in LA open to all LA Countries –constituted in Uruguay (like LACNIC) –Bylaws signed on June 10 in Mexico CLARA is not limited to @LIS time scale and restrictions RedClara connects LA to GEANT, Internet2 and possible other regional networks

11 ALICE Sustainability Based on strengthening the NREN’s and CLARA Creating a collaborative environment among the LA NREN’s Strategically planned by CLARA with the support of ALICE Creating a user community Seeking alliances with strategic projects: HEP, Astronomy, Biovidersity, Telemedecine, Cosmic Rays, etc. Working on establishing the concept of Research Networking in the S&T bodies of LA

12 RedCLARA Connection to the US GEANT Internet 2 IRNC (NSF) funded links

13 “The ALICE dream is creating a future in LA” Free version of Victor Hugo’s words

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