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Claudia’s Daily Amounts of Each Food Group Monday & Tuesdays Diet BreakfastLunchSnackDinner Monday 3 ounces of cereal 1 cup of strawberries 1.5 cups.

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2 Claudia’s Daily Amounts of Each Food Group

3 Monday & Tuesdays Diet BreakfastLunchSnackDinner Monday 3 ounces of cereal 1 cup of strawberries 1.5 cups of milk 4 ounces of wheat bread 1 ounce of ham 1 cup of lettuce 1.5 cups of yogurt 1 cup apples 5 ounces of steak 2 cup of steamed corn Tuesday 3 ounces of oatmeal 1.5 cups of milk 1 cup of strawberries 4 ounces of bread 2 ounces of pastrami.5 cup of lettuce.5 cup of tomatoes 1.5 cups of yogurt 1 cup of blueberries 1 cup of corn 1cup of peas 4 ounces of ground beef

4 Wednesday & Thursdays Diet BreakfastLunchSnackDinner Wednesday 4 ounces of tortillas 1 cup of cheese 1 ounce of ham 1 ounces of egg 1 cup of milk 1 cup of yogurt 1 ounces of chicken breast 1 cup of lettuce 1 cup of tomatoes 1 cup of fruit cocktail 1 cup of orange juice 3 ounces of pork chop 1 cup of baked potatoes 3 ounces of white rice Thursday 1 ounces of wheat bread 1 cup of wheat cereal flakes cereal 1 cup of milk 1 cup of banana 2 ounces of wheat bread 3 ounces of chicken breast 1.5 cup of lettuce 1 cup of apple juice 1 ounce of popcorn 2 ounces of corn bread 3 ounces of beef strip steak 1 cups of shredded cheese on the steak 1.5 cups of mashed potatoes 1 cup chocolate pudding

5 Fridays Diet BreakfastLunchSnackDinner Friday 2 ounces of wheat bread 1 cup of Swiss cheese 1 cup of orange juice 1 cups of yogurt 2 ounces of shrimp 1 cup of beans 1 cup of banana & strawber ry smoothi e 2 ounces of crackers 3 ounces of white rice 4 ounces of pork chop 1 cup of cheddar cheese on pork chop 1.5 cup of mashed potatoes.5 cups of corn

6 Survival Tips Don’t eat to much greasy foods at restaurants Eat fruit salads Don’t overeat just cause your friends eat more Exercise in your spare time

7 Summary of Food Choice Lifestyle Her name is Claudia. She is 15 years old and weighs 135 pounds. She plays for the basketball team at her school. When she gets home she gets hungry and overeats. The problem is that she eats too much and she could get a heart attack. She should stop overeating so she wont get a heart attack. She should start eating healthy.

8 Claudia's Body Mass Index

9 Monday Thru Wednesdays Exercise Plan MondayTuesdayWednesday Basket ball for an hour Run laps for half an hour Soccer for half an hour Hockey for an hour

10 Thursday Thru Friday ThursdayFriday Football for an hour Basketball for an hour

11 Survival Tips Try new sports When basketball season ends, keep playing basketball Invite your friends to play with you at the park Keep on exercising after basketball season

12 Summary For Exercise Lifestyle Claudia needs to make some changes in her lifestyle to maintain healthy, when she gets home she overeats and needs to change that. After basketball season is over she should still play basketball with her friends at he park. I think she can still exercise even if basketball season is over. This way she can maintain her state of being healthy

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