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Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Role and Mission of a National IP Office in the Promotion of.

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Presentation on theme: "Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Role and Mission of a National IP Office in the Promotion of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Role and Mission of a National IP Office in the Promotion of Effective Enforcement of IP Rights Dr. Miklós BENDZSEL President Hungarian Patent Office

2 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Enforcement of IP Rights radical change, international initiatives New Directive on the enforcement of IP rights Commission Communication on the Strategy for the Enforcement of IP Rights Guidebook on Enforcement of IP Rights

3 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Role of National Offices  NOs: no enforcement tasks as such  Enforcement: other public authorities (courts, prosecution, customs, police)  NOs: assistance to enforcement authorities

4 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Enforcement-related activities of the HPO: the „Three Pillars” Contribution to an effective legislation Knowledge dissemination (enforcement authorities, advisory bodies, expert opinions) Raising of awareness of IP rights

5 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Contribution to an effective legislation Active role Preparation Professional knowledge, opinion pooling

6 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Contribution to an effective legislation Implementation of Directive 2004/48/EC Preparatory works: Hungarian Council for the Protection of Intellectual Property Seeking opinion of professional circles (questionnaire, professional meetings, studies)

7 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Contribution to an effective legislation Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Right of information (Article 47) New legal instruments and fine- tuning

8 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Direct assistance and the activity of specialised advisory bodies Customs authorities and the police Specialised advisory bodies: Body of Experts on Industrial Property and Body of Experts on Copyright

9 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Knowledge dissemination and IP awareness Trainings on industrial property Co-operation agreements with higher education institutions IP distance-learning development program in co-operation with BUTE: the patent module (tuition coaching system, online discussion board)

10 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Knowledge dissemination and IP awareness The patent module: accredited at BUTE, under accreditation at the University of Miskolc Tendencies: upswing interest, conversion into E-learning

11 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Knowledge dissemination and IP awareness, SMEs Action Plan Promoting Industrial Property Competitiveness of Entrepreneurs = VIVACE Distribution of distance-learning package  14 “Houses of Technology” of the Hungarian Association of Industrial Property and Copyright  PATLIB network  24 IP Info-centres built on the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

12 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Knowledge dissemination and IP awareness Training of police officers Co-operation agreement with the National Police Headquarters

13 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Knowledge dissemination and IP awareness, e-Mage project Information and documentation activities E-Mage project: access to registered trademarks and industrial designs databases Target groups: SMEs, police and customs authorities Co-ordination task of the HPO

14 Enforcement of IP Rights in the Enlarged EU 13th International Conference, 8 September 2005 Thank you for your attention!

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