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DDECS Stara Lesna, Slovakia, April 20, 2004 Tallinn Technical University D&T Education & Training in Europe What are the Main Challenges? Some thoughts.

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Presentation on theme: "DDECS Stara Lesna, Slovakia, April 20, 2004 Tallinn Technical University D&T Education & Training in Europe What are the Main Challenges? Some thoughts."— Presentation transcript:

1 DDECS Stara Lesna, Slovakia, April 20, 2004 Tallinn Technical University D&T Education & Training in Europe What are the Main Challenges? Some thoughts and experiences Raimund Ubar, Tallinn Technical University ESTONIA

2 Tallinn Technical University Test Issues and Engineering Education The importance of test (fault diagnosis) as a teaching objective is underestimated in traditional engineering education Test is taught usually as a subtopic in a design course It is taught as an independent discipline only when it is a hobby horse of the professor Why? Because Test is interpreted as a nonproductive issue (vs. design) The number of courses that should be taught at universities doubles in a decade (Tenhunen, EWME, Lausanne, April 2004)

3 Tallinn Technical University Didactical Issues Fault Diagnosis is not only an Electronics Systems related issue, it has an important didactive role for the engineering education in general: It is a method to learn how to ask right questions It develops the ability of analysing cause-effect relationships It is looking for answers to the questions like what is the reason of what happened --------- Logic world (digital systems) because of its inherent logical complexity could be the best objective for learning the concepts of diagnostic analysis for any technical systems in general

4 Tallinn Technical University Test Issues and D&T Education What is the University? A student is not coming to university to be taught, he is coming to learn how the professor thinks Students should not be asked to press simply on buttons in labs to get results which only confirm what they know already The real targets of education are: creativity, critical thinking, problem solving skills Therefore, Learning Test at a university should be research oriented The test issues because of their complexity can be really understood only by hands-on laboratory research

5 Tallinn Technical University Problems: Commercial test tools for using in university laboratories are too complex and expensive They may develop skills, but they do not educate How to cross during a single course the gap between introductory trivial issues and hands-on research oriented learning?

6 Tallinn Technical University Our Experience At TU Tallinn a teaching environment has been developed to introduce students into the world of Digital Test It is a combination of –playing with internet based simple “living pictures”, and –hands-on training with a set of commercial design tools, and low- cost university tools Living pictures (Java applets) target introductory teaching issues, and can be used –by the teacher during lectures, –by students for self-learning purposes, independent on time and place, and –by the teacher during exams Hands-on experiments target more advanced research teaching issues

7 Tallinn Technical University Living Pictures Test generation: Signal values for fault activation and propagation can be inserted directly on connections Fault simulation: The test vectors can be inserted manually or generated automatically Fault diagnosis: Sequential method (guided probing) and combinational procedure (by processing fault tables) are supported The game-like character raises the students' curiosity Because of interaction the learning process becomes more efficient

8 Tallinn Technical University Applets for Learning RT Level Test Task list: Micropro- gramming RTL Design Fault simulation Test program design BIST architectures

9 Tallinn Technical University TT: Tool Set for Hands-On Training Test Generation BIST Simulation Methods: Deterministic Random Genetic Methods: BILBO CSTP Store/Generate Design Test Levels: Gate Macro Fault Simulation Methods: Single fault Parallel Deductive Fault Table Fault models: Stuck-at-faults Stuck-opens Delay faults Test Optimization Fault Diagnosis Fault Location

10 Tallinn Technical University The number of courses that should be taught at universities doubles in a decade Test as a teaching objective has an intensive didactic content A student is not coming to university to be taught, he is coming to learn how the professor thinks Learning test should be coupled with research

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