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Nailing It! – A Systematic Approach to Career Success By David Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Nailing It! – A Systematic Approach to Career Success By David Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nailing It! – A Systematic Approach to Career Success By David Wilson

2  Pace of change  Scale of change  Pressure all around  Complex matrix structures Why is managing our career so difficult today? Leading to:-  Uncertainty  Confused agendas  Fragmented power

3 Career Success = Influence  Who becomes more important than what  Stakeholder engagement is key  The IT Manager, the HR Director and the Coach

4 Simple Process, Profound Results

5 Step 1: Focus: Assess your priorities and focus your Influencing Goal  Top priority for you  Requires many people to think, feel or act differently  Need to overcome tough opposition  Plan of action over several months  Important to other people as well.  Needs one person to say yes  Can be achieved in one meeting  Belongs to someone else  Easily understandable logic which everyone can agree to  More of a wish

6 Step 2: Identify: Work out which stakeholders can have the biggest impact  Bosses  Workers  Advisers  Suppliers  Movers and Shakers  Disrupters

7 Step 3 : Analyse: Map the position of each stakeholder Relationship:  Trust  Openness  Frequency Agreement:  Benefit  Agreement  Activity

8 Step 3 : Analyse: Map the position of each stakeholder Relationship:  Trust  Openness  Frequency Agreement:  Benefit  Agreement  Activity


10 Step 4 : Plan: Decide your strategy for increasing buy-in 1.Concentrate on impact 2.Shift the greys 3.Move up and right 4.Movements inside the boxes 5.Advocates are top priority 6.Critics make great opponents 7.Ignore your Enemies 8.Remember the indirect routes

11 Step 5 : Engage: Adapt your approach to influence your stakeholders Tactics Inspirational Appeals Consultation Rational Persuasion Ingratiation Personal Appeals Exchange Pressure Legitimating Coalition Styles Sociability & Networking Determination Emotional Control Tact & Diplomacy Skills Self-Awareness Understanding Others Understanding Groups Influencing Individuals Influencing Groups Networking Building Trust

12 The Gautrey Group | Any Questions? Services Executive Coaching Group Facilitation Development Workshops Consultancy Online assessments | +44 (0) 20 7692 0605 Unless you ask you’ll never know, just how much we could help you For regular practical ideas on how to be more influential, follow The Influence Blog:

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