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Amber Wallingford – University of Wyoming Cooperative Service – Washakie County.

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Presentation on theme: "Amber Wallingford – University of Wyoming Cooperative Service – Washakie County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amber Wallingford – University of Wyoming Cooperative Service – Washakie County

2 How Youth Develop Physical Development Cognitive Development Social Development Emotional Development

3 LearningStylesAssessment

4 SmallGroupActivity

5 INNOVATIVE View situations from many different points Ask many questions Rather observe than take action Enjoy situations that call for a wide range of ideas such as brainstorming sessions Prefer working in groups Listen with an open mind and receive personal feedback Learns best when able to hear, speak, discuss and think out loud.

6 ANALYTIC Find practical uses for ideas and information Gather information, think about it and put into a context that is logical and concise Focus less on people and more on concepts and ideas More important that a theory be logical than practical Prefer lectures, reading, exploring models and having time to think things through Learns best when able to see, watch, read and view.

7 COMMON SENSE Best at finding practical uses for ideas and theories Like to gather information and put it to work Have the ability to find solutions and make decisions based on finding answers to questions or problems Prefer to experiment with new ideas, and simulations or games and practical hands-on learning activities Learns best when able to feel using small motor muscles and through personal relationships.

8 DYNAMIC Ability to learn primarily from hands-on experience Like to explore ideas, gather information for themselves and learn by doing Enjoy carrying out plans and involving yourself in new, challenging experiences Tend to act on “gut” feeling rather than logical analysis Prefer to do field work and test different approaches to find answers Learns best when able to move and do things with large muscles

9 TEACHING STYLES Atmosphere of warmth and acceptance Clear self-determined goals Youth have different abilities Self-motivation External motivation Actively involved Self evaluation

10 Retain 10% Retain 20% Retain 30% Retain 50% Retain 70% Retain 80 - 90%

11 LESSON PLANNING TIPS Allow time for preparation Analyze the needs of the audience Decide the purpose Complete and thorough

12 TEACHING INNOVATIVE LEARNERS Participate in class discussion/debates Make speeches and presentations Use tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes Read text aloud Discuss ideas verbally Dictate to someone while they write down the thoughts Storytelling to demonstrate point Precise Plan ahead Give thinking questions Need to know – “Did I do that right?”

13 TEACHING ANALYTIC LEARNERS Use visual materials – pictures, charts, etc Body language and facial expressions are clearly visible Use color to highlight important points in text Take notes or provide handouts Illustrate ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubble Use multi-media Study in a quiet place away from verbal disturbances Need time to absorb information Lists Need to know “Why” Organization and routines Provide rationale

14 TEACHING COMMON SENSE & DYNAMIC LEARNERS Take frequent study breaks Move around to learn new things - Work at a standing position Chew gum while studying Use bring colors to highlight reading material Listen to music while studying Multi-tasking – need several things to do Informal – lots of things to choose from Need challenge Like goals to help keep on track Small group activities with tasks Examples Performance – limited direction Experiment – risk taking Creative approach

15 EVALUATION Share information Guide future planning Teaching strengths and improvements Completes the teaching process

16 I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand

17 REFERENCES University of Wyoming Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service


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