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Presentation on theme: "Literature Reviews WRITING THE LITERATURE REVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 Literature Review It is NOT an annotated bibliography or a series of book reports! It is scholarly plan for research!

3 It is used by many fields … Political Science, Education, Geography, Psychology, Architecture, History, Gender Studies, Economics, Business, Communications, Sociology, English, Anthropology, Social Work, Archaeology, Law, Medicine, Engineering, … AND MANY MORE!

4 Role of a Literature Review It can stand alone or be part of a larger research project.

5 Format Literature Reviews can be done in MLA, Modern Language Association, (Humanities) APA, American Psychological Association, (Social Sciences) or many other formats! Ask your Professor how to format your review!

6 Why do a Literature Review? Define Key Phrases and Terminology

7 Why do a Literature Review? Identify Notable Theorists

8 Why do a Literature Review? Explain Major Theories

9 Why do a Literature Review? Show Connections Between Theories

10 Why do a Literature Review? Identify Gaps or Holes in Theory

11 How do I start? Narrow the Topic General reading in the field (Your Textbook) Choose a topic that interests YOU Ask your Professor for topic suggestions

12 How Do I Start? Narrow the Research! Narrow dates for research Search subject specific databases and indexes Develop Precise Search Vocabulary

13 How Do I Start? Think About Outcomes! What do you know now? What do you need to know? Where can you get this information? (TIP: ASK A Research Librarian!)

14 How Do I Start? Be a Great Researcher! Note where, when, and how you found materials You may have to go back You may need this for your citations

15 How Do I Start? Take the tutorial on the library home page to learn how to find sources

16 How Do I Start? SEARCH! Schedule your search for hours when a Research Librarian is available (M-R 9-8; F 9-5; Sat 12-4; Sun 3-7) Read the Notes/Bibliography of articles for leads on additional resources It takes longer than you think it will!

17 Classifying and Reading Research Slow down and take notes in your own words Read titles, intros, and TOC carefully Survey for the big picture or thesis Read it again

18 Writing The Review A Good Literary Review is Balanced and Objectively Critical.

19 Writing the Review: DO Do present the work of others accurately. Do format consistently. Do cite only the work that directly relates to your work. Do not forget to give credit any time you use the ideas of others.

20 Writing the Review: Introduction Explain the History Provide Background Information Explain the Relevance of Your Topic Preview Your Main Points

21 Writing the Review: The Body Identify Each Researcher by Full Name Date of Study/Research Describe Methodology Indentify Key Conclusions Argue for Significance to Topic/Field Explain Usefulness to YOU!

22 Writing the Review: Conclusion Summarize Patterns or Trends Show a Gap in Existing Knowledge Argue for Further Study

23 Writing the Review: Revising Read your paper out loud Look for transitions Be sure you can identify clear thesis sentences, and topic sentences.

24 Writing the Review Be sure to proofread, edit, spell and grammar check!

25 Visit the Writing Center The Writing Center Young Library Fifth Floor West Stacks M-F 10-2 and M-W 6-9

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