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Voter Turnout in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mexico Lisa Kucharczk.

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Presentation on theme: "Voter Turnout in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mexico Lisa Kucharczk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voter Turnout in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mexico Lisa Kucharczk

2 What are the variables that affect voter turnout and how does voter turnout affect the United States, the United Kingdom, and Mexico? “Unanswerable” Question

3 Inspiration A.P. Comparative Government class Interest in politics Possible political science major

4 Plurality Vote on individual candidates running in single member districts; candidate with most votes wins Proportional Representation Vote for parties in multimember districts; seats divided among parties based on percentage of votes won Mixed Individuals and parties run for office in single- member and multi-member districts

5 Voter Turnout Gauges political participation Has implications towards the state of government Affected by many factors Electoral systems Registration process Political culture

6 Mexico All adults required to vote President elected directly Bicameral legislature Mixture of election types Party caps Mexican Presidential Elections Year%Total VAP to Vote 200663.26 200059.99 199465.89 198841.96 198265.85 197657.59 197063.36 196456.59

7 The United Kingdom Three-part parliament 650 members of the House of Commons Prime minister is elected by party, not people U.K. General Elections Year%Total VAP to Vote 201065.1 200561.4 200159.4 199771.4 199277.7 198775.3 198372.7 197976

8 The United States Bicameral legislature Presidential elections Electoral College U.S.A. Presidential Elections Year%Total VAP to Vote 200443.6 200038.9 199636.5 199239.0 198834.7 198437.8 198063.36 197656.59

9 Factors Affecting Turnout Lack of political integrity Negative campaigning Low political efficacy Election predictions Infrastructure Election Issue Voters Prevented or Discouraged from Voting Voter Registration Issues 3 million Disenfranchisement of Ex- Offenders 1 million Election Equipment or Ballot Design 3-500,000 Unnecessarily Long Lines and other Fixable Poll Procedures 250,000 Voters with Disabilities 1-1.5 million Problems with Receiving, Returning, or Counting Mail-in Ballots 200,000 TOTAL “LOST” VOTES Over 8 million

10 Increasing Turnout Sense of Civic Duty Non- traditional Voting Election Timing Legislative Action

11 Project Action Review for A.P. Government exam Political participation 40 attendees Petition on Make Election Day a national holiday

12 Project Action Alexa Smithwrick “I was really impressed by Lisa’s PowerPoint. I feel much more ready for my A.P. Government exam.” Austin Sutton “I enjoyed the PowerPoint because it was professional and I think her project topic was original.” Rachael Njuki “I signed Lisa’s petition because it was informative about an issue that I had never really thought of before.”

13 Questions? Works Cited

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