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ENGL 1020: Interest Areas Cultural Expression Civic Experience Scientific Exploration.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGL 1020: Interest Areas Cultural Expression Civic Experience Scientific Exploration."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGL 1020: Interest Areas Cultural Expression Civic Experience Scientific Exploration

2 Cultural Expression Students who choose this area of 1020 will explore facets of high and pop culture: Literature Dance Music Graphic Arts Film

3 Civic Experience Students who choose this area of 1020 will explore workings of social groups and institutions: Business Criminal Justice History Political Science Education

4 Scientific Exploration Students who choose this area of 1020 will explore implications of scientific advancement: Sciences Psychology Medicine and Health Technology Ethics Environment Math

5 Course Breakdown and Time Line: Pod 1 (weeks 1-4): Critical Reading Pod 2 (weeks 5-6): Annotated Bibliography Pod 3 (weeks 7-9): Persuasive Proposal (minimum of 1,500 words) Pod 4 (weeks 10-14): Research Paper (minimum of 2,500 words)

6 Pod 1 -- Weeks 1-4: Critical Reading Practice active reading. Accurately summarize readings. Recognize rhetorical strategies employed in readings. Evaluate effectiveness of rhetorical strategies. Compare material from multiple works in terms of purpose, argument and audience.

7 Pod 2 -- Weeks 5-6: Annotated Bibliography Locate sources. We recommend that students include 10 sources in their bibliographies) Actively read. Analyze arguments and determine merits. Evaluate validity and reliability of sources. Select sources reflecting diverse approaches to topic. Accurately summarize and evaluate sources. Apply conventions of citation and formatting appropriate to discipline.

8 Pod 3 -- Weeks 7-9: Persuasive/Proposal Essay Define a problem to investigate. Categorize the critical arguments which inform the problem. Identify gaps in current research. Formulate proposed research project/solution. Determine audience. Determine appropriate rhetorical stance. Define form of proposal appropriate to discipline. Draft proposal. Revise, edit and proofread proposal. Must be a minimum of 1,500 words.

9 Pod 4 -- Weeks 10-14: Research Paper Conduct additional research necessary for formulation of thesis and argument. Construct working thesis. Formulate supporting arguments. Assemble and incorporate evidence from secondary sources. Employ rhetorical strategies appropriate to discipline and audience. Draft research paper. Revise, edit and proofread research paper. Must be a minimum of 2,500 words.

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