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Nursing Care of Clients with Upper Respiratory Disorders

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1 Nursing Care of Clients with Upper Respiratory Disorders
Chapter 22

2 Influenza Viral, highly contagious, airborne droplet and direct contact Clinical Manifestations Respiratory cough, substernal chest pain, sore throat Systemic fever, chills, malaise, muscle aches, fatigue

3 Influenza Collaborative Care Diagnosis Pharmacology
immunization of at-risk persons Diagnosis based on client history Pharmacology vaccine, aspirin, tylenol


5 Tonsillitis Acute inflammation of tonsils Clinical Manifestations
usually bacterial infection spread by droplet Clinical Manifestations pain, difficulty swallowing fever enlarged and tender lymph nodes tonsils appear bright red and edematous

6 Tonsillitis

7 Tonsillitis Interdisciplinary Care usually self-limiting
Antipyrectic and mild analgesics Penicillin for group A streptococci Tonsillectomy for recurrent infections

8 The Client with Epistaxis
Precipating factors trauma dryness systemic infection hypertension bleeding disorders - thrombocytopenia

9 Epistaxis

10 Nasal Trumpets - Epistaxis

11 The Client with Epistaxis
Interdisciplinary Care first aid measures - apply pressure Nasal packing 1/4 inch petroleum gauze leave in for up to 3 days Surgical cautery

12 Treatment of Epistaxis

13 Nasal trauma - dog bite

14 Nasal Trauma Nasal fracture/deviated septum Treatment epistaxis
deformity displacement to one side crepitus periorbital edema Treatment reduction, plaster rhinoplasty

15 Laryngeal Obstruction
Life-threatening emergency- Food or laryngospasm. Clinical Manifestations coughing, choking, gagging, difficulty breathing Treatment Heimlich maneuver Medications such As epinepherine, ET.

16 Laryngeal Obstruction - Polyp

17 Vocal Cord Polyp

18 Sleep Apnea Absence of airflow through upper airways for 10 or more seconds 30 episodes per night Contributing factors obesity age male gender

19 Sleep Apnea Clinical Manifestations loud cyclic snoring
cessation of breathing during sleep restlessness, thrashing during sleep daytime fatigue headache, personality changes, depression

20 Sleep Apnea Interdisciplinary Care weight loss
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) tight fitting mask air compressor blows air into the back of the throat Surgery tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

21 Upper Respiratory Tumors and Cancers
Laryngeal Carcinoma accounts for 1-3% of all cancer curable if early detection Risk Factors ETOH, smoking, poor nutrition Affects men more than women 9:1

22 The Larynx

23 Laryngeal Carcinoma Clinical Manifestations hoarseness change in voice
painful swallowing, earache dyspnea palpable lump in neck foul breath

24 Laryngeal Carcinoma Interdisciplinary Care laryngoscopy
direct visualization biopsy Chemotherapy, radiation, surgery Laryngectomy removal of the larynx Radical neck dissection - nodes, neck and mandible removal

25 Laryngeal Carcinoma Nursing Care Impaired Verbal Communication
Ineffective Airway Clearance Impaired Swallowing Pain Altered Nutrition:Less than Body Requirements Anxiety

26 Laryngeal Carcinoma Nursing Care Altered Body Image Teaching
Trach Care

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