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By: Lynnia Johnson A hairstylist specializes in dressing hair according to latest style, period, or character portrayal, following instructions of.

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2 By: Lynnia Johnson



5 A hairstylist specializes in dressing hair according to latest style, period, or character portrayal, following instructions of patron. Familiar with standard concepts, practices, and procedures within a particular field. Relies on limited experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals. Performs a variety of tasks. Works under general supervision. A certain degree of creativity and latitude is required. Typically reports to a supervisor/manager.

6  When you do hair you have to know how long the client wants there hair meaning measurement.  Also when being a hairstylist you use math when you have to calculate how much its going to cost.

7 The starting salary of being a hairstylist is $23,574 !

8 Rent - 800.00 Phone - 90.00 Electric - 80.00 Cable/Internet - 45.00 Heat - 0.00 Car Payment - 500.00 Car Insurance 100.00 Gasoline 120.00 Credit Cards 125.00 Food 150.00 Student Loans 200.00 Miscellaneous Cash 400.00 Vacation 150.00 Holiday 100.00 Retirement 70.00 Total Payment Cost 2,930.00

9 After paying my monthly income and paying all of my bills I am in debt. I am in debt -$1804.85. Therefore I'm going to need a second to third job to live on this lifestyle. And if I don’t make enough tips I will need to work as a Real Estate Agent. I will make a salary of $ 36,752. I will have $34,947.15. In my savings. After I work after the second job I will be able to live on this lifestyle and pay through all of my bills.

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