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Coupling of (deformed) core and weakly bound neutron M. Kimura (Hokkaido Univ.)

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1 Coupling of (deformed) core and weakly bound neutron M. Kimura (Hokkaido Univ.)

2 Introduction We are now able to access to 1. Weakly bound neutron-rich with A ~ 40 2. Heavier unstable nuclei with N ~ 28, 50,… What will we find there? Theoretical predictions by Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

3 Description of deformed core AMD method

4 AMD Framework Variational wave function Variational calculation after parity projection A-body Hamiltonian Gogny D1S effective interaction, Exact removal of spurious c.o.m. motion Single particle wave function is represented by a deformed Gaussian wave packet

5 AMD Framework Initial wave function (randomly generated) Variation (deformed) shells clustered AMD model wave function is flexible to describe various kinds of structure (shells & clusters) without assumption

6 AMD Framework 2. Angular momentum projection 1. Energy variation with the constraint on the Quadrupole deformation  Solve Hill-Wheeler eq. to obtain eigenvalue and eigenfunction 3. GCM Configuration mixing between the states with different deformation and configurations

7 AMD Framework 1. Energy variation with the constraint on the Quadrupole deformation  Single particle energy and wave function Construct single particle Hamiltonian from variational results and diagonalize it. 2. Angular momentum projection3. GCM G. Neyens, PRC84, 064301 (2011) Coexistence of many particle-hole states at very small excitation energy has been predicted by AMD Recent experiments such as p and n-knockout, n-transfer and  -decays revealed corresponding states Coexistence of many particle-hole states with different deformations (shape coexisting phenomena) is now establishing M. Kimura, Phys.Rev. C 75, 041302 (2007)

8 Description of weakly bound neutron AMD+RGM method for Core + n and 2n systems

9 AMD + RGM (core + 1n, 2n system) Solve core + 1n, 2n system (Coupled Channnel Core + n RGM) : Wave function of the core described AMD+GCM method (In the case of the 30 Ne+n system, the core is 30 Ne. is a linear combination of J  projected Slater determinants) : Valence neutron (In the case of the Core+2n system, there are two ) : Coefficient of each channels, and relative wave function between the core and valence neutrons (They are the unknown variables (functions) to be calculated by this method)

10 AMD + RGM (core + 1n, 2n system) In the practical calculation, the RGC wave function is transformed to the GCM wave functions. (straightforward but CPU demanding ) The core is a linear combination of different shapes (AMD+GCM w.f) ++ …= The basis wave functions of AMD+RCM And, we diagonalize total Hamiltonian for Core + n (2n) system

11 AMD + RGM (core + 1n, 2n system): O isotopes AMD Results (Blue Symbols) Correct description of neutron drip-line (Gogny D1S) Underestimation of even-odd staggering (Pairing correlation is not enough?) Underestimation of Sn for 23 O and 24 O (1s orbit) AMD+RGM Results (Green Symbols) Better staggering ( (1s 1/2 ) 2 and (0d 3/2 ) 2 pairs ) Improvement of the last neutron(s) orbital in 23 O and 24 O (1s orbit).

12 AMD Results (Blue Symbols) Overestimation for light isotopes Monotonic increase of radii in the calculation, while 23 O and 24 O show drastic increase in the observation AMD+RGM Results (Green Symbols) Almost no effect for light isotopes (d 5/2 ) dominance Slight increase in 23 O and 24 O (1s 1/2 ). But not enough to explain the observation. AMD + RGM (core + 1n, 2n system): O isotopes

13 Beyond island of inversion Toward neutron-dripline

14 1n Halo of 31 Ne(N=21) Coulomb breakup, and enhanced B(E1) Observed large cross section can be explained with l= 1, 2 Large Interaction cross section M. Takechi, et. al., Nucl. Phys. A 834, (2010), 412 T. Nakamura, et. al., PRL103, 262501 (2009)

15 Wave function of 30 Ne is AMD w.f., relative motion between 30Ne and n is solved All states below 10MeV of 30 Ne are included as the core wave function of 31 Ne ► AMD result shows particle ( p3/2) + rotor ( 30 Ne(g.s.)) nature ► AMD + RGM tends to weak coupling between 30 Ne and neutron AMD + RGM for 31 Ne AMD + RGM config. 0+ × p 3/256% 2+ × p 3/224% 2+ × f 7/29% 1- × s 1/25% AMD config. 0+ × p 3/237% 2+ × p 3/241% 2+ × f 7/212% 1- × s 1/25% Sn=250 keV → 450keV Talk by Minomo K. Mimono, et al., PRC84, 034602 (2011) K. Mimono, et al., in preparation.

16 “Parity Inversion” and “Neutron-halo” near drip-line – 1n separation energy is around or less than 1MeV – 37 Mg is the heaviest odd mass Magnesium QUESTIONS – Island of inversion is extended in this region ? – Neutron Halos? 35 Mg and 37 Mg

17 35 Mg (N=23): (fp) 3 config. vs. (fp) 4 (sd) -1 config. 1. neutron single particle level density is very large around 0 energy 2. 0p 3/2 orbit also intrudes due to the high single particle density and increase of fermi energy (larger neutron #) 3. (fp) 3, (fp) 4 (sd) -1 and (fp) 5 (sd) -2 configuration compete ⇒ possible parity inversion

18 35 Mg (N=23): (fp) 3 config. vs. (fp) 4 (sd) -1 config. (fp) 4 (sd) -1 becomes the ground state and the parity is inverted. Stronger n-n correlation in fp shell than sd Experimental information is not enough A. Gade et al., PRC83, 044305 (2011)

19 37 Mg (N=25): (fp) 5 vs. (fp) 6 (sd) -1 vs. (sdg) 1 (fp) 6 (sd) -2 1. Further increase of single particle level density. 2. 0g 9/2 orbit also intrudes across N=28 shell gap ! due to larger neutron # and weak binding 3. (fp) 5, (fp) 6 (sd) -1 and (g) 1 (fp) 6 (sd) -2 configurations compete 4. 1/2 + state with (g) 1 (fp) 6 (sd) -2 comes down

20 37 Mg (N=25): (fp) 5 vs. (fp) 6 (sd) -1 vs. (sdg) 1 (fp) 6 (sd) -2 1. The ground state is normal configuration (end of island of inversion?) 2. Positive parity state with 0g 9/2 appears at small excitation energy 3. The ground state density does not reproduce the observed cross section ⇒ Need to improve the tail part of wave function.

21 37 Mg (N=25): AMD+RGM : AMD+GCM w.f. of 36 Mg 1/2 + gains extra biding energy by RGM and degenerate with 5/2- shows better agreement with the observed Reaction cross section Strong deformed core and weak binding lowers intruding orbit from g 9/2 Need to extract core-n interaction from RGM Need to solve resonaces and scattering states l = 0 l = 2 + + …

22 Summary and Outlook Summary Microscopic description of deformed core by AMD Description of weakly bound neutron by RGM Better description of Sn and R rms of Oxygen isotopes There are still discrepancy between experiments and calculation. (new data for 24 O is in need) Possible parity-inversion in 35 Mg (Interaction dependence) 2s 1/2 neutron configuration with a halo with deformed core of 36 Mg Strong deformation of the core assists the lowering of 2s 1/2 configuration Outlook Application of R-matrix method to AMD+RGM Phase shifts, equivalent Core-n local potential, Development in more efficient calculation method Application to deformed core + 2n system

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