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Published byFelix Scott Modified over 9 years ago
High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade 1 June 2006 From INTEGRAL to SIMBOL-X F. Lebrun CEA-Saclay SAp/APC
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade2 INTEGRAL: a European gamma-ray observatory SPI – The gamma-ray Spectrometer of INTEGRAL. Excellent spectra, good images IBIS – The gamma- ray Imager onboard the INTEGRAL satellite. Excellent Imaging, good spectra ISGRI – the IBIS low energy camera (CdTe) Perigee: 10,000 km, Apogee: 150,000 km Launch: October 2002 Operations funded till end 2008
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade3 511 keV bulge ~ 8° (Knödlseder et al., 2005) 10 43 e + /s ! Light dark matter ? Point sources > 85% (Lebrun et al., 2004, Strong et al., 2005, Bouchet et al., 2005) Positronium ~ 92% (Jean et al., 2005 Weidenspointner et al., 2006) 60 Fe (Harris et al., 2005) 26 Al (Diehl et al., 2006) GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade4 More than 200 sources detected with ISGRI More than 200 sources detected with ISGRI (Bird et al., 2005) 55 sources are new and heavily absorbed 55 sources are new and heavily absorbed (N H ~ 10 23 cm -2 ). HMXB population doubled HMXB population doubled (mostly pulsar+supergiant companion) IGR J17456-290: A steady non-thermal source near the GC IGR J17456-290: A steady non-thermal source near the GC IGR J00291+5934: Fastest ms pulsar (P=1.67 ms), pulsed fraction increases with energy IGR J00291+5934: Fastest ms pulsar (P=1.67 ms), pulsed fraction increases with energy 44 Ti lines detected in the Cas A spectrum 44 Ti lines detected in the Cas A spectrum Magnetars: very hard spectrum Magnetars: very hard spectrum POINT SOURCES
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade5 Conclusions about ISGRI/CdTe No failure in 44 months of flight operationsNo failure in 44 months of flight operations Noisy detectors: only 3%Noisy detectors: only 3% PerformancesPerformances – Sensitivity: milliCrab (3 σ, t obs = 1 day, ΔE=E) – Actual lower threshold: 15 keV – Spectral performance is nominal 9% at 60 keV9% at 60 keV 5% at 511 keV5% at 511 keV – Spectral performance degradation : ~ 2.6 % / year (factor 2 in 20 years)~ 2.6 % / year (factor 2 in 20 years) 0.7 % after the November 2003 giant solar flare0.7 % after the November 2003 giant solar flare CdTe/CdZnTe is confirmed as the X/gamma-ray detector for tomorrow space astrophysics
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade6 CNES calls for proposals Selected for a phase A study (on-going) Micro satellites: ECLAIRs Micro satellites: ECLAIRs devoted to GRB study launch: 2011 Formation flight: SIMBOL-X Formation flight: SIMBOL-X Focusing hard X-rays launch: 2013 Final selection next year
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade7 Multiwavelength study of Gamma-Ray Burst prompt emission ECLAIRsFrance-China SVOM payload Gamma-ray telescope X-ray telescope Optical telescope
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade8 ECLAIRS: The X and Gamma Camera (CXG) Wide field of view (~2 sr) coded mask telescope encircled by a graded Detection plane (DPIX) made of 200 XRDPIX modules developed Array of CdTe detectors XRDPIXmodules Useful area 1024 cm 2 Spectral band 4.0 to 250 keV 100 GRB/year 40 cm 38 cm 52 cm in the framework of CNES/CESR and CNES/CEA R&D programs shield collimator to reduce the cosmic diffuse induced background
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade9 CXG Anticipated Performances Counts 100 200 300 0 Energy (keV) 1040 6050 2030 3.5 keV The position on the sky of all GRBs detected with a signal to noise ratio greater than 5.5 will be given with an accuracy ~10′ GRB 030227 20° 5h Crab Nebula INTEGRAL Sensitivity (ph cm -2 s -1 ) 10 Peak energy (keV) 100100010 1 SWIFT ECLAIRs
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade10SIMBOL-X 0.5 – 80 keV 0.1–10 keV 15 keV-10 MeV Focusing hard X-rays using formation flight technology
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade11 Participating laboratories F : CEA/Saclay, CESR/Toulouse, APC/Paris, LAOG/Grenoble, Obs.Paris/Meudon It :(INAF :) O.A.Brera, Roma, Palermo, IASF Milano, Bologna D : MPE Garching, I.A.A.Tübingen End ‘01 :First ideas & discussions CEA/Saclay & O.A.Brera End ‘01 :First ideas & discussions CEA/Saclay & O.A.Brera End ‘03 : CNES call for ideas for formation flight… End ‘03 : CNES call for ideas for formation flight… Mid ‘04 : Selection of 4 missions for an assessment phase Mid ‘04 : Selection of 4 missions for an assessment phase End ‘05 :Only Simbol-X is recommended for a phase A study End ‘05 :Only Simbol-X is recommended for a phase A study Short history
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade12 Simbol-X basics Focusing optics Coded mask optics Have the XMM angular resolution and sensitivity in the INTEGRAL/ISGRI energy range INTEGRAL > 15 keV XMM < 10 keV 30 degrees 30 arcmin
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade13 Major science goals Accreting Black Holes Physics in single objects Census in Universe Particle acceleration Mechanisms ? Maximum energy ?
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade14 Record of Super Massive Black Holes accretion activityRecord of Super Massive Black Holes accretion activity Constraints to models for the formation and evolution of structures in the UniverseConstraints to models for the formation and evolution of structures in the Universe About 50 % resolved in sources in the 7–10 keV band Accreting Black Holes Census of Super Massive Black Holes But less than a few % resolved beyond 10 keV, at the emission peak ! CXB models : major contribution from obscured AGNs, but parametres are not constrained (evolution, energy cut-off, absorption) Need : resolve > 50 % of CXB in the [20-40] keV band -> sensitivity, angular resolution, field of view
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade15 Simbol-X : understand SgrA* and its environment Simbol–X, 300 ks, > 10 keV 10x10 arcmin 2 XMM-Newton INTEGRAL/IBIS/ISGRI Simbol-X 3 , 1 hour
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade16 Acceleration : link with HESS sources protons in SNRs shocks ? G347.3-0.5 - HESS @ TeV With Simbol-X : mapping of the synchrotron emission, mapping of the synchrotron emission, determination of spectral break with X-ray alone determination of spectral break with X-ray alone correlation with GeV and TeV emissions correlation with GeV and TeV emissions SX SN 1006 Simbol-X : E > 10 keV 100 ks 10’x15’
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade17 Nucleosynthesis : measure 44 Ti yield 44 Ti : explosive nucleosynthesis product Period of 85 years Lines ( 44 Sc) at 68 and 78 keV Detected only in CasA (so far), by BeppoSAX and INTEGRAL 10 arcmin 100 ks Map Cas A emission Simbol–X 44 Ti map Measure 1987A yield Spectrum 1 arcmin 2 Measure velocity
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade18 And a lot more… Quiescence : physical processes at low accretion rate, « ADAF », jets ? Quiescence : physical processes at low accretion rate, « ADAF », jets ? Difference between accreting neutron stars and black holes ? Difference between accreting neutron stars and black holes ? Follow and characterize the change of states on their evolutionary times Follow and characterize the change of states on their evolutionary times Local group population ? Local group population ? Absolute luminosity, localisation hard X-ray spectrum : population characterization, comparison with Milky Way Intermediate Mass Black Holes: ULXs characterization, spectrum and QPOs ( BH mass measurement) Intermediate Mass Black Holes: ULXs characterization, spectrum and QPOs ( BH mass measurement) Cyclotron lines Cyclotron lines Non thermal cluster emission Non thermal cluster emission Young Stellar Objects Young Stellar Objects Gamma-ray bursts follow up Gamma-ray bursts follow up
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade19 Simbol-X scientific requirements Energy band : ~ 0.5 to > 80 keV Δ E : < 150 eV @ 6 keV (Fe Ka) < 1.3 keV @ 68 keV ( 44 Ti) < 1.3 keV @ 68 keV ( 44 Ti) Δ q : < 20 arcsec HPD FOV : > 9 arcmin Attitude reconst. : ± 2 arcsec Δ t : < 100 microsecondes Duration : 3 years Over 1000 targets possible Large effective area, excellent angular resolution, very low background Sensitivity [1 Ms, 3 ] : 10 -8 ph/cm 2 /s/keV up to ~ 80 keV 10 -14 erg/cm 2 /s [20-40 keV] (1 mCrab)
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade20Optics Focal length : 20 - 30 m Shell diameters : max 70 cm Shell thickness : 0.1 - 0.3 mm Number of shells :~ 100 Heritage from XMM–Newton : nickel shells obtained by electroforming replication method; low mass obtained via a reduced thickness of shellsHeritage from XMM–Newton : nickel shells obtained by electroforming replication method; low mass obtained via a reduced thickness of shells Coating : multi-layer Pt/C needed for requirement on large F.O.V. and on sensitivity up to > 80 keVCoating : multi-layer Pt/C needed for requirement on large F.O.V. and on sensitivity up to > 80 keV Mirror parameters to be optimized in phase A Grazing incidence : Emax 1/θ Focal Length
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade21 The focal detector assembly Low energy detector (450 mm Silicon) (see L. Strüder talk on Friday) High energy detector (2 mm Cd(Zn)Te) Required parameters Spectro-imaging system 0.5-100 keV Spectro-imaging system 0.5-100 keV Pixel size ~ 500 mm (PSF oversampling) Pixel size ~ 500 mm (PSF oversampling) Full size : 8x8 cm2, 128x128 pixels Full size : 8x8 cm2, 128x128 pixels “Room temperature” operations (~ -30°C) “Room temperature” operations (~ -30°C) Fast reading (used in anticoincidence) Fast reading (used in anticoincidence) Active anticoincidence shield
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade22 Phase 0 result (CNES) : orbit pointing & stabilization 20° Sun ecliptic plane sky area visible at any moment 35% 360° 4,5 months Transfer orbit Increase of perigee orbital period correction High elliptical orbit : 44,000 - 256,000 km at launch Orbit constraints : - have formation flight feasible (> ~ 20,000 km) - minimize background (science > 75,000 km) Pointing : XMM / INTEGRAL type fixed solar panels simplified thermal control Formation flight requirements : ± 10 cm along telescope axis ± 1 cm perpendicular, knowldege @ ± 0.5 mm
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade23 Phase 0 study (CNES) : detector spacecraft COLLIMATOR ISL back antenna detection radiator and associated heat pipe lateral sensor ISL antennas fine SST towards -X Detection payload
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade24 Phase 0 study (CNES) : mirror spacecraft sun baffle ISL back antenna D=3m sky screen thermal baffle Wolter-I Mirror
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade25 Phase 0 study (CNES) : launch configuration Launched as a composite under Soyuz fairing Masses Detector S/C : ~ 600 kg Mirror S/C : ~ 1300 kg Adapter : ~ 150 kg Launcher capability : 2.2 tons (5 deg incl.)
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade26 Status - schedule Simbol-X in phase A, conducted jointly by CNES & ASI, with the participation of MPE-IAAT Other partners are possible End of phase A review : 2nd quarter 2007 Launch date : mid 2013 Operations for three years (2 years of science observations) Observation program will be composed of : - a “core program”, with main priority science targets - and a guest observer program open to the community
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade27 Detector/Electronics requirements SIMBOL-X requirements: SIMBOL-X requirements: – Spatial resolution: 500 μ small pixels – Spectral resolution: 1.3 keV @ 68 keV small pixels – Energy range: 10 – 100 keV ECLAIRS CXG requirements: ECLAIRS CXG requirements: – Spatial resolution: 4 mm – Energy range: 4 – 250 keV Front-end electronics : - multi-channels ASIC / DC coupling - multi-channels ASIC / DC coupling - Ultra low noise (< 40 e- RMS for stand alone chip) - Ultra low noise (< 40 e- RMS for stand alone chip) - self triggered - self triggered - Multiple event capabilities - Multiple event capabilities - Low power, radiation tolerant, … as usual ! - Low power, radiation tolerant, … as usual !
High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade 28 June 2006 High Energy Detector Arrays of Cd(Zn)Te with integrated ASICs Tests of pixellated Cd(Zn)Te matrices 256 pixels CZT array 256 pixels CZT array 6 mm thick (eV-Products) 256 pixels Schottky array 0.5 mm thick (ACRORAD) ASICsdevelopment (IDeF-X Vx.x) Hybridization
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade29 « Flat » prototype / CZT + IDeF-X V1.0
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade30 ISGRI : CdTe Pt/Pt : 4x4x2 mm 3 / 120V / 0°C 5.6 keV FWHM 2001 From ISGRI … 2001 to 2005 ECLAIRS IDeF-X V1.0: CdTe In/Pt 4x4x1 mm 3 / 600V / 24°C 1.8 keV FWHM 2005 R&T IDeF-X V1.0 : CdTe In/Pt 2x2x0.5 mm 3 / 340V / 24°C 1.1 keV FWHM (0.9 keV right side) 0.73 keV FWHM at 13.9 keV 2005
June 2006High Energy Astrophysics in the Next Decade31 Conclusions Current Results:Current Results: New low noise electronics under development for high resolution spectro- imagingNew low noise electronics under development for high resolution spectro- imaging 35 e - RMS achieved without detector35 e - RMS achieved without detector 66 e - RMS achieved with a detector (330V, RT, dark current < 10 pA)66 e - RMS achieved with a detector (330V, RT, dark current < 10 pA) « Flat » prototypes of 64 pixels 900µm, 1mm pitch used for evaluation and characterization of detector arrays« Flat » prototypes of 64 pixels 900µm, 1mm pitch used for evaluation and characterization of detector arrays CZT, CdTe and CdTe SchottkyCZT, CdTe and CdTe Schottky 0.5, 1 and 2 mm thick detectors are studied0.5, 1 and 2 mm thick detectors are studied 4 keV Low threshold value accessible with 4x4x1 Schottky detectors (600V / - 20°C) for the ECLAIRs Mission4 keV Low threshold value accessible with 4x4x1 Schottky detectors (600V / - 20°C) for the ECLAIRs Mission 1 keV FWHM at 60 keV accessible goal for SIMBOL-X mission (small pixels)1 keV FWHM at 60 keV accessible goal for SIMBOL-X mission (small pixels) Current and next development steps :Current and next development steps : New ASICsNew ASICs Hybridization of ASICs and pixel arrays in progressHybridization of ASICs and pixel arrays in progress Space environment and Space qualification constraints studied simultaneously in the R&D programSpace environment and Space qualification constraints studied simultaneously in the R&D program
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