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Satellite Support For Climate Change Studies 1 Satellite Support for Climate Change Studies Badri Younes, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Space.

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Presentation on theme: "Satellite Support For Climate Change Studies 1 Satellite Support for Climate Change Studies Badri Younes, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Satellite Support For Climate Change Studies 1 Satellite Support for Climate Change Studies Badri Younes, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) International Telecommunications Union (ITU) December 11, 2009

2 Further, using the same instrument, rather than copies, insures consistent data. 2 Satellites provide the only platforms capable of covering the entire earth (note swaths do not overlap) with the same instrument and providing temporal well as spatial coverage. Overview

3 Considering alternative methods – multiple ground stations, multiple rocket launches, multiple ships and aircraft on station, etc.- Satellites are the most cost-effective way of monitoring the state and health of our planet – without having to constantly cross-calibrate a vast collection of similar, or different, instruments.. 3 Overview

4 4

5 Examples shown previously include: Biosphere production Aerosols Radiant Energy Air Pollution Temperature Water Vapour There are others; all pertinent to monitoring the state, and the health, of our planet. 5 Overview

6 6 Satellites Monitor Parameters Globally

7 Night lights visible from space indicate populated areas 7 Population Monitoring

8 Fires in Guatemala and Mexico Population model based on proximity to roads, slope*, land cover*, nighttime lights*, and other information. (*from satellite data) 8 Population Monitoring

9 9 Satellite-Derived Land Usage

10 Seasonal Land Cover Change 10

11 11 Deforestation

12 1987 – Drought, agriculture and overgrazing pushed an area towards desertification. 1999 – Sidi Toui National Park (Tunisia) established in 1993 and fenced, native Grassland revived (winter image). 12 Desertification Reversed

13 13 Plant Health - August

14 14 Plant Health - February

15 Dan Irwin’s Presentation of SERVIR to the Presidents of Central America and Mexico 15 Biosphere Productivity

16 16 Arctic Sea Ice Mapping

17 17 Daily Arctic Sea Ice – Summer 2009

18 Seasonal Minimum Arctic Sea Ice Extent 18 Arctic Sea Ice Trends

19 Greenland's ice fields have also been mapped and its ice flows identified – with satellite-borne Radar 19 Greenland's Ice Fields

20 Satellite Radar Techniques are Confirmed by GPS on-ice Measurements 20 Monitoring Greenland's Ice Flow

21 RADARSAT produced the first image of all of Antarctica 21 Antarctic Ice Cap Map

22 Additional Observations produced Ice flow Maps 22 Antarctic Ice Cap Flows

23 Shuttle Radar Topology Mission covered between +/- 60° latitude and penetrated most of the vegetation and all of the clouds. 23 Global Topology – Areas at Risk

24 ASTER on TERRA covered between +/- 83° latitude but did not penetrate vegetation or clouds. 24

25 Weather Prediction and Climate Variables Geosynchronous Weather Satellites Track Weather Systems worldwide 25

26 Ozone – Action Needed A Growing Antarctic Ozone “hole” admitted more UV to the Southern Hemisphere 26

27 Ozone – Action Taken The Montreal Protocol, effective Jan. 1, 1989, reduced global CFC production 27

28 Ozone – Results 28

29 Summary Satellites provide data necessary to monitor environmental change over the entire globe, including climate change. Radio Spectrum is required to return data from ALL environment-monitoring satellites, regardless of their instrumentation. Radio Spectrum is necessary to provide unique observations of some environmental parameters and is critical to monitoring polar regions. 29

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