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Endangered species By: Taylor Honaker.

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1 Endangered species By: Taylor Honaker

2 About polar bears Polar bears like to eat fish, seals, sea birds, ducks, marine vegetation including kelp, human garbage, and when found berries They live mostly in snowy ether its ice or it be land. The reason why the polar bears are endangered is because, the polar ice caps are melting. I chose them because they are one of my favorite animal and I want them to be around for a longer period of time.

3 The world without The world without the polar bears is not a good thing. When they disappear the numbers of sea and plant life will go but and throw the ecosystem out of control.

4 Protecting the polar bears
there is many things being cone to protect the polar bears from extension Putting them in captivity Really big fees for those who hunt them Tagging them for study Take the cubs till they are old enough to be on there own

5 Why they are endangered
They are endangered because of global warming . The heat on the earth is melting the polar ice cap. In which drowning the polar bears.

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