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Orientation for Owners and Contractors COAA Apprentice Mentoring Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation for Owners and Contractors COAA Apprentice Mentoring Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation for Owners and Contractors COAA Apprentice Mentoring Program

2 Today ’ s agenda  Purpose and objectives  Why create a program  Components  Partners  Value determination  Audit  Other

3 Purpose and objectives  To give an overview of the apprentice mentoring program (AMP)  To provide a historical perspective  To highlight the value of the program  To give insight into the administration of the AMP  To discuss why industry should support an AMP  To solicit comments and feedback

4 Purpose and objectives  To address the key success factors, challenges, and potential opportunities for the AMP  To garner owner and contractor management support for the implementation of the AMP  To contribute towards the development of sufficient numbers of highly skilled, qualified apprentices for Alberta industry

5 Why create a program  Future projected shortage of skilled tradespeople  Future construction and maintenance demand  Aging workforce  Transfer of journeyperson experience  Future development of supervisory and management candidates  Investment in the future  Highlights stakeholders ’ commitment and support  Enhances stakeholder credibility  Cost effective/cost benefit determination  Increases competitiveness present and future

6 Why create a program (cont ’ d)  Improves industry image  Enhances workforce development  Social and business responsibility  Broadens industry support  Moral obligation  Youth under-employment  Increases opportunities for women, Aboriginals and visible minority employment  Fewer dropouts equates to less turnover  Improves safety performance  Quality work

7 Components of the AMP best practice  Executive summary  The need for mentoring  History of mega-projects AMPs  Mission statement  Purpose of an AMP  Objectives of mentoring  Benefits of mentoring (i.e. safety)  Key ingredients for a successful AMP  Stages in a mentoring relationship  Removal from the program  Roles and responsibilities

8 Components of the AMP best practice (cont ’ d)  Implementation of the AMP  Administration of the program  Communications  Program evaluation  Barriers to effective mentoring  Managing the Blue Book  Appendices

9 Partners  Government (Federal/Provincial)  Owners  Institutions  High schools  Labour providers  Contractor associations  Organizations promoting Aboriginals in the trades  Organizations promoting women in the trades

10 Partners (cont ’ d)  Teachers/educators  Community leaders  Parents  Journeypersons  Apprentices  Ambassadors  Media

11 Roles: Owner  Visible, engaged champion of AMP  May make AMP a contractual requirement  Provides contractor sufficient resources to develop, implement and administer the AMP  Senior management provides AMP testimonials as to the value of the program  Participates in the orientation of mentors and mentees  Participates in AMP recognition and awards program  Gives open, honest, constructive feedback on the contractor administration of the AMP  Supports the contractor ’ s efforts in finding and providing new and challenging opportunities for the mentee

12 Roles: Engineering procurement construction manager  Visible, engaged champion of the AMP  Provides contractor sufficient resources to develop, implement and administer the AMP  Participates in the orientation of mentors and mentees, when requested  Participates in AMP recognition and awards program  Gives open, honest, constructive feedback on the contractor administration of the AMP  Supports contractor ’ s efforts in finding and providing new and challenging opportunities for the mentee  Keeps stakeholder management apprised of the AMP and its impact on the project  Encourages contractor participation in the AMP  Looks for ways to improve the AMP

13 Roles: Contractor  Assigns senior manager to be the champion of AMP  Markets AMP to potential mentor and mentees  Arranges for orientation for and between mentors and mentees, and ensures they understand respective roles  Participates in AMP recognition and awards program  Assigns someone to manage the AMP  Encourages potential mentors to participate in the AMP  Matches mentors and mentees  Keeps the EPCM management apprised of the AMP and its impact on the project  Monitors the AMP and suggests changes to enhance program effectiveness  Supports efforts in finding and providing new and challenging opportunities for the mentee and mentor

14 Roles: Labour providers  Are visible champions of the AMP  Encourage individual mentors and mentees to participate in the AMP  Encourage contractors to participate in the AMP  Monitor the AMP and suggest changes to enhance program effectiveness  Participate with the EPCM and contractor in the AMP implementation  Promote the AMP in their newsletters  Participate in AMP recognition and awards program, when requested

15 Value determination  Local supply  Appraisals  Recruitment costs  Statistics  Knowledge transfer  Supervisory candidates  Workforce development  Travel, subsistence costs

16 Value determination  Safety performance  Productivity  Company and owner reputation  Number of entrants  Number of graduates  Turnover  Mentor and apprentice feedback  Average wage costs  Manpower availability

17 Why audit?  Measure to plan  Value targets achieved?  Checklist  Incentive to support  Provides a base to recognize performers  Shows commitment by stakeholders  Opportunities for improvement  Enhanced credibility

18 Other  Need targets for utilization of apprentices by trade, area of work, stage of project (women, Aboriginals and visible minorities)  Identify areas of high opportunity for use of apprentices and skills acquisition by apprentices  Consider developing, where practical and feasible, a training plan for each apprentice  Establish a policy regarding schooling attendance  Support alternate schooling mechanisms  Establish a policy regarding wage payment  Local focus

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