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Upgrade of the CSC Endcap Muon Port Card Mikhail Matveev Rice University 1 November 2011.

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1 Upgrade of the CSC Endcap Muon Port Card Mikhail Matveev Rice University 1 November 2011

2 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 2 CSC EMU Electronics

3 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 3 MPC Upgrade Requirements n Be able to deliver all 18 trigger primitives from the EMU peripheral crate to the upgraded Sector Processor (currently, only 3 LCTs out of 18 are delivered) n Preserve sorting capabilities of the Muon Port Card n Preserve 3 “old” 1.6Gbps optical links to the present CSC Track Finder

4 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 4 Upgrade Path n Use existing Muon Port Card main board - TMB interface remains unchanged (2 LCTs per TMB @ 80MHz) - 3 “old” optical links are still available n Replace only the FPGA mezzanine - Use modest size Virtex-5 XC5VLC110 for prototyping - Place the FPGA, 12 Texas Instruments TLK2501 serializers and one SNAP12 parallel optical transmitter on a new mezzanine - Use CERN designed QPLL2 ASIC to obtain low-jitter 120MHz clock for the TLK2501 serializers

5 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 5 Virtex-5 Mezzanine Version 1, August 2010Version 2, May 2011 ■ Two PROM Options: ● XCF32P ● XCF128X ■ Two Voltage Regulators for the FPGA Core Voltage 1.0V ● PQ035ZN1HZPH (1.5A) ● LP38853S (3.0A) ■ Discrete logic register to mask out selected TMBs

6 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 6 Old And New Mezzanines Installed

7 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 7 Status as of November 2011 ■ Three old (ver.1) and three new (ver.2) mezzanines are installed on a spare production MPC boards ■ Have one Sector Processor SP10 Receiver board at Rice (partially assembled, only one front mezzanine receiver installed) ■ All mezzanines have been tested with the SP10 Receiver Prototype at 120Mhz (2.4Gbps) - PRBS test from SER to DESER, 100 m fiber, all boards tested for ~90 minutes (BER < 10 -13 per ch) - Random data patterns from FPGA to FPGA ■ Tested with 9 TMBs in the EMU peripheral crate

8 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 8 Latency Measurements ■ Present system at CMS: 580 ns - TLK2501 Transmitter (80MHz) ~23 ns - 100 m optical MMF fiber ~500 ns - TLK2501 Receiver (80MHz) ~57 ns ■ New system (prototypes): 616 ns - TLK2501 Transmitter (120MHz) ~15 ns - 100 m optical MMF fiber ~500 ns - Virtex-6 GTX receiver (120MHz) ~101 ns (without Rx FIFO buffer)

9 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 9 Irradiation Test of Virtex-5 FPGA ■ Conducted in July’11 at the TAMU cyclotron ■ 5 to 15 seconds between SEU, more frequent with higher flux ■ Average dose to get an error is ~12 rad. With the average flux of ~10 7 protons/cm 2 /s, the cross section of SEU is ~10 -8 cm 2 per device. ■ Assuming 10-year fluence of ~10 11 neutrons per cm 2 [1] at full LHC design luminosity, the worst case SEU rate would be 10 -8 cm 2 x 10 11 neutrons/cm 2 / 10 8 sec = 10 -5, or 1 SEU in ~ 3 hours per MPC [1]

10 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 10 Future Developments in 2012 ■ Replacement of the XC5VLX110-FF1153 FPGA and 12 TLK2501 serializers with the Spartan-6 XC6LX150T-3FGG900C FPGA with embedded GTP transceivers is attractive: - significant cost saving - available from stock - all I/Os are 3.3V compatible - more compact board, simpler PCB design - increase frequency from 120MHz (2.4Gbps) to 160MHz (3.2Gbps), use 9 (or less) links out of 12 - low-jitter 160MHz clock is available directly from the QPLL - further reduce link latency at 160MHz - ~50% lower power consumption for the Vcore comparing to Virtex-5 and Virtex-6 (preliminary estimate, based on Xilinx XPower Analyzer) - Spartan-6 GTP and Virtex-6 GTX cores are compatible

11 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 11 Cost Estimate Virtex-5 MezzanineSpartan-6 Mezzanine FPGA$1610$280 12 TLK2501 Serializers$170None SNAP12 Transmitter$400 Other components$300 Fabrication and Assembly$400 Total$2,880$1,380 ● Optical cable with 12 fibers, 100 m - $429 ● Will need 80 mezzanines and 60 optical cables

12 November 1, 2011 CSC Trigger Upgrade Meeting 12 Plans ■ Continue testing of the existing MPC and SP10 prototypes - test stands at Rice and UF for firmware and hardware developments - have 6 Muon Port Cards with new mezzanines - move prototypes to bld.904 in the 1 st half of 2012 and integrate into cosmic stand ■ Proceed with the Spartan-6 design - 1 st prototype of the MPC mezzanine by April 2012 ■ Production and Installation - production prototype by end of 2012 - integration tests with the SP10 board in the 1 st half of 2013 - fabrication and tests of 80 mezzanine boards – 2 nd half of 2013 - equip all MPC boards with new mezzanines, re-work front panels, re-test boards – end 2013 - early 2014 - install at CMS – spring 2014

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