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Baeg, Sanghyeon Reliable & high Speed Computing Lab. Hanyang University.

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Presentation on theme: "Baeg, Sanghyeon Reliable & high Speed Computing Lab. Hanyang University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baeg, Sanghyeon Reliable & high Speed Computing Lab. Hanyang University

2 Objectives Implementation of Reliable and Low Power Sensor Node SoC Contents Sensor Network of Nodes Why Low Power and Reliability Researches Undergoing


4 Main components of sensor nodes Microcontroller Transceiver External memory Power source One or more sensors External Memory Sensors Micro Controller Communication device Communication device Power Source

5  Energy is typically more limited in sensor networks than in other wireless networks because of the nature of the sensing devices and the difficulty in recharging their power sources.  Power consumption in the sensor node is for the Sensing, Communication and Data Processing.  Ex) monitoring or at detecting phenomena. Examples include office building environment control, wild-life habitat monitoring, etc.

6  More energy is typically required for data co mmunication in sensor node. Energy expendit ure is less for sensing and data processing.  The energy cost of transmitting 1 Kb a distance of 100 m is approximately the same as that for the executing 3 million instructions by 100 millio n instructions per second/W processor LOW POWER!!

7  IC should perform in accordance with expectations for a predetermined period.  Sudden death of sensor nodes cost replacing and management efforts.  Sensor nodes are typically exposed to extreme environmental situations such as temperature changes, weathers, animals.

8  Mission critical sensor nodes needs high prob ability of surviving through self-guarding/ diagnosis features. RELIABILITY!!

9  Power reduction for memories used in sensor network

10  Research for cross talks in memory cells Increasing memory density and decreasing technology geometry  Increasing capacitive cross talks Reduced reliability because of additional power consumption and noise paths  Becomes the source of intermittent failure Crosstalk in marginal size is not detected by normal test  Increasing costs for test Test method using negative voltage stress  Testable method with low cost

11  Analysis for High-speed Interface Issues

12  Chip Schematic & Test Result

13  Micro Processor(8051) as underlying uP  Implement Processor in FPGA as initial stage with reduced instruction for power saving FPGA MC8051_ALU SIU TMRCTR SIU CONTROL RAM (128X8) ROM (64KX8) RAM (64KX8)

14  Customized IP Design is beneficial in low power design by reducing unnecessary capacitance in design.

15  Equipment for development and testing  Logic Analyzer  Function Generator  BER Tester  Oscilloscope  Power Supply  FPGA Board for Development & Testing

16  Chip Test Board(Interconnection Testing Board)  Memory Test Board

17  In the second year of sensor hardware nodes  Focused on development in low power and reliable sensor node system  Currently focusing on IP development  Will be moving to FPGA system development  Eventually, single chip solution

18 Thanks

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