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The U.S.A. a Country Without a Budget Presented by Teresa Larson.

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1 The U.S.A. a Country Without a Budget Presented by Teresa Larson

2 Classic Battle  Democrats vs. Republicans  President vs. Congress  Who has the best plan why can’t they come to an agreeement on the best way to fund our country?

3 Deficit Spending Our Currency  We print our own money  We sell U.S. Treasury bonds to investors  We control our own money  When the debt limit is not raised we are saying that we will not be paying our bills Greece Bankrupt  Use the Euro  They do not control it  This creates an unstable situation for them. They are at the will of another government.

4 There is a difference between “I can’t” and “I do not want to” ““

5 How Are Country is Funded  President presents a budget annually for the next year it also includes a plan for the next 10 years.  Congress listens  House of Representatives puts out a budget  Senate approves or modifies must go back to House and then back to Senate  President must approve

6 Separate Spending Bills Approved  A mechanism for disagreement was put in place to help during times of budget conflict.  Continuous Resolutions  Our country has operated under this model many times in history

7 Differences in Spending Ideas  President suggests Cutting spending in defense and changing Our strategy to include No long term involvement in large scale stability operations.  Out dated systems will be scraped, innovative technologies embraced

8 Presidents plan  The country will spend less on Overseas Contingency Operations.  Taxes should be restructured so that everyone pays their fair share.  Everyone should be taxed at the same rate.  Repeal the Bush era tax cuts for families earning over $250,000 a year.  Health Care Reform still an issue

9 Presidents Plan  Jobs and getting people back to work  Improving Medicare and Medicaid  President wants to consolidate six government agencies into one department

10 Presidents Plan  Tax incentives for environmental concerns  Make permanent the American Opportunity Tax Credit fro students  The Presidents plan would cut the deficit by $3 trillion over the next decade.

11 Path To Prosperity The Republican Budget that was passed on March 30, 2012  Defense spending is not reduced  Taxes are not increased  Tax Loopholes are addressed

12 Path to Prosperity  Brings the government size to 20% vs. 23% proposed by the president.  Cuts spending by $5 trillion relative to the Presidents budget  Against the Presidents plan for an independent board to oversee Medicare

13 Path to Prosperity  Repeals Health Care Laws  Medicare patients choose which insurance provider will administrate their plan.  Personalized Medicare  Medicare wont change for those 55 and older

14 It feels like they are not listening to each other

15 Why Politicians Can’t Come Together On a Plan  Politics as usual  Concern for the glory of whose plan is to get the recognition  The people suffer

16 Why Politicians Can’t Come Together On a Plan  Our country runs on continuous resolution rather than a bona fide plan to get us to a destination of security and well being at home because our political parties are trying to push their agenda’s.  There is not an ability to compromise and help the people within the current two party system that rules our government.

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