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(Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy)

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1 (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy)
Introduction to DLTS (Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy) I. Basic Principles O. Breitenstein MPI MSP Halle

2 Outline: 1. Basic principles Application field of DLTS Principles of DLTS Basic measurement techniques 2. Advanced techniques and application Advanced measurement techniques Our DLTS system: - Philosophy - Hardware - User surface

3 1. Application field of DLTS
"Deep levels" = energy states in semiconductor band gap, > 100 meV binding energy (otherwise "shallow levels") Usually caused by isolated point defects, but also extended defects generate DLs Terminology: acceptors (charge state + / 0), donors (0 / -), also double acceptors (++ / + / 0), double donors (0 / - / --), amphoteric (- / 0 / +) etc. Charge state governs capture cross sections to electrons and holes, but not position in gap ! Upper gap half: electron traps, lower gap half: hole traps CB VB electron traps hole traps intrinsic energy

4 Possible electronic processes
capture electron emission CB electron trap hole trap VB hole capture hole emission thermal (electron) emission probability: "emission rate" [s-1] capture prababilities: cn;p: "capture coefficients [cm3s-1] trap parameters: Et (thermal activation energy), sn and sp resp. cn and cp

5 (thermal) emission rate (T): "Arrhenius plot" (fingerprint)
log(en;p) prefactor contains sn, but this parameter is often exponentially T-dependent! 1000/T [K-1] prefactor gives not sn ! Et not equilibrium energy !

6 2. Basic Principles of DLTS
Electron trap in n-type space charge region (Schottky diode) Vr W0 Wr(Vr) investigated volume metal RF-capacitance (1 MHz):

7 capacitance change due to recharging of Nt [cm-3] traps:
net doping concentration, from C/V meas. basic (equilibrium) capacitance Sign of DC depends on trapped carrier type: majority carrier capture: DC negative minority carrier capture: DC positive Best sensitivity for low doping concentration

8 DLTS routine (repeating!) :
Vr e- DC bias band diagram RF- capacitance reverse reduced or forward

9 T-dependence of C-transient
low T opt. T high T t1 t2 t t1 t2 t DCmeas t1 t2 t T Tpeak DCpeak DLTS signal = C(t1)-C(t2) If T is slowly varying, at a certain temperature a DLTS peak occures

10 Different deep levels are leading to different peaks
DC1 DC2 e0 en1(T) en2(T) log(en;p) DLTS peak condition: peak height DC is proportional to trap concentration By choosing t1 and t2 a "rate window" [s-1] is selected, in which the emission rate has to fall for a DLTS peak to appear (D.V. Lang 1974)

11 DLTS measurements at different rate windows allow one to measure Et
ln(en) 1000/T DLTS This "Arrhenius plot" allows an identification of a deep level defect

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