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CLC Partnerships: Pointers for Productive Pairings.

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Presentation on theme: "CLC Partnerships: Pointers for Productive Pairings."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLC Partnerships: Pointers for Productive Pairings

2 Version 2 CLCNSW State Conference 2010: “achieving social justice” CLC Partnerships: Pointers for Productive Pairings By Robyn Gray of Herne Gray & Associates

3 CLC Partnerships Herne Gray & Associates

4 Attorney-General for Australia AG, Robert Clelland, today announced additional funding of $360,000 for community legal centre to develop or expand partnerships with universities providing placement opportunities for students in family law.... Funding will be provided to the following community legal centre working with their university partners… Herne Gray & Associates Media Release 6 January 2010 Additional Funding For Family Law Legal Education Programs

5 Pre-requisites to successful p’ship Before service delivery Increasing prospects of ongoing $$$ Sustaining momentum Traps and pitfalls Herne Gray & Associates What we’ll cover today

6 Herne Gray & Associates Pre-requisites to successful p’ship

7 Why Us? Herne Gray & Associates

8 Pre-requisites to successful p’ship Why Us? Agreed Goals and Roles Herne Gray & Associates

9 Pre-requisites to successful p’ship Why Us? Agreed Goals and Roles MOU or Agreement Herne Gray & Associates

10 Pre-requisites to successful p’ship Why Us? Agreed Goals and Roles MOU or Agreement $$$$$$$$$’s Herne Gray & Associates

11 Pre-requisites to successful p’ship Why Us? Agreed Goals and Roles MOU or Agreement $$$$$$$$$’s Stakeholders on Board Herne Gray & Associates

12 The Right People: Team Players Herne Gray & Associates

13 Before Commencing Service Delivery Joint Planning Herne Gray & Associates

14 Before Commencing Service Delivery Joint Planning Own House in Order? Herne Gray & Associates

15 Before Commencing Service Delivery Joint Planning Own House in Order? Joint Promotion Herne Gray & Associates

16 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Herne Gray & Associates

17 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Realistic KPIs Herne Gray & Associates

18 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Realistic KPIs Report regularly Herne Gray & Associates

19 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Realistic KPIs Report regularly Communicate Herne Gray & Associates

20 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Realistic KPIs Report regularly Communicate Change Herne Gray & Associates

21 Securing Ongoing $$$$$$$’S Realistic goals Realistic KPIs Report regularly Communicate Change Innovate Herne Gray & Associates

22 Sustaining Momentum Herne Gray & Associates

23 Sustaining Momentum Resolve Conflict Early Herne Gray & Associates

24 Sustaining Momentum Resolve Conflict Early Share Information and Resources Herne Gray & Associates

25 Sustaining Momentum Resolve Conflict Early Share Information and Resources Three’s Not a Crowd! Herne Gray & Associates

26 Sustaining Momentum: celebrate achievements Herne Gray & Associates

27 Traps and Pitfalls: lack of direction Herne Gray & Associates

28 Traps and Pitfalls Lack of Data Herne Gray & Associates

29 Traps and Pitfalls Lack of Data Personnel Herne Gray & Associates

30 Traps and Pitfalls Lack of Data Personnel Communication Breakdown Herne Gray & Associates

31 Traps and Pitfalls: lack of perspective Herne Gray & Associates

32 It doesn’t just happen; it takes effort Herne Gray & Associates

33 Sing and dance together and be joyous But let each of you be alone- even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. But let there be spaces in your togetherness And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Herne Gray & Associates THE IDEAL from Kahil Gibran: The Prophet:

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