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March 20, 2011 Presented by: Sue D’Agnese, Region 1 Traffic Manager Overview of: ROAD SAFETY AUDIT (RSA) PROCESS & APPLICATIONS OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd:

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Presentation on theme: "March 20, 2011 Presented by: Sue D’Agnese, Region 1 Traffic Manager Overview of: ROAD SAFETY AUDIT (RSA) PROCESS & APPLICATIONS OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd:"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 20, 2011 Presented by: Sue D’Agnese, Region 1 Traffic Manager Overview of: ROAD SAFETY AUDIT (RSA) PROCESS & APPLICATIONS OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd: Cascade Ave to OR 217 SB Off-ramp Road Safety Audit – Kick off Meeting

2 Presentation Outline What is a Road Safety Audit (RSA)? Overview of Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) RSA Process RSA Projects in Region 1 –Mt. Hood Highway RSA –US 30 Safety Corridor –Hwy 212 @ Dubarko –TV Hwy @185th –Mt Hood Hwy Timberline- Meadows Benefits of RSAs

3 What is a Road Safety Audit? A road safety audit is a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent multi-disciplined audit team.

4 What is a Road Safety Audit? Formal:Procedures and documentation Safety performance:Focus on safety Independent:Auditors detached from project team Audit team:General experience and specialists

5 A road safety audit also… Considers the safety of all road users Examines the interaction of project elements Considers interactions at the borders or limits of the project Proactively considers mitigation measures

6 A road safety audit is NOT…. … a standards check, examining adherence to design guidelines. … a backdoor to redesign the project.

7 What is a Road Safety Audit? A road safety audit seeks to identify opportunities to improve safety

8 FHWA RSA Process

9 RSA Process – 2 Pre-Audit Meetings

10 Pre-Audit Meeting: RSA Start up Meeting Presentation of Data to RSA Team by RSA Team Facilitator Detailed Drawings Key Resource member’s data and input Key Stakeholder input Aerial photographs Background reports Design criteria Collision history Detailed crash analysis Traffic volumes Project design elements Project design constraints

11 Pre-Audit Meeting: Kick Off Meeting Meeting with Project Owner and RSA team to provide goals of the RSA Define the RSA process Drawings and Aerials Background reports Design criteria Collision history Traffic volumes Project objectives (owner) –Why is RSA being conducted? Project design elements Project design constraints (owner)

12 RSA Process – Field Review

13 Field Review Observe road user characteristics Observe surrounding land uses Observe link points to the adjacent transportation network Look for: –driveway issues –roadside hazards –sight distance obstructions –Anything impacting safety

14 Field Review Consider all users Consider driver behavior Drive the site Drive all approaches Make all turns Walk/bike the project area Take notes Take lots of photos

15 Field Review Observe conditions during: peak and off-peak traffic periods dry and wet weather conditions day and night conditions

16 RSA Process – RSA Analysis

17 RSA Analysis: Conducting the RSA Workshop setting Review background reports, crash data, and design criteria Systematically review design drawings and/or other information Identify, prioritize, and mitigate safety issues

18 Risk Analysis For each issue: –What potential exists for crashes? –What is the likelihood of crashes? –How severe are the crashes likely to be? Crash potential? –What exposure exists Likelihood of a crash? –What probability exists How severe? –What consequences? Risk = f (Exposure, Probability, Consequences)

19 RSA Process – Presentation of Findings

20 Presentation of Findings: RSA Presentation and Report Documents the results of the RSA Identifies and prioritizes safety issues May include suggestions for improvements

21 Benefits of an RSA Consensus on the problems Focus for project development teams Looked at safety improvements that we might not have otherwise identified Reality check on some design items All alternatives and safety trade-offs are prioritized Low cost improvements identified Improved transportation safety for all users

22 Thank You – Any Questions?

23 OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd: Cascade Ave to OR 217 SB Off-ramp RSA


25 RSA Schedule TimeMeeting/ActivityLocationParticipants Tuesday, March 20 9:00am - 10:00amStart-Up MeetingRegion 1 Flanders, CR337RSA Team 10:00am – 11:00am Kick-off MeetingRegion 1 Flanders, Room A/BRSA Team, Stakeholders 11:00am - 11:30amTravel 11:30am – 1:00pm Field ReviewOR217/Scholls Ferry RdRSA Team 1:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch - Travel back to Flanders 1:30pm – 3:30pm RSA Team MeetingRegion 1 Flanders, CR337RSA Team 3:30pm - 4:00pmTravel 4:00pm - 5:30pmPM Peak ReviewOR217/Scholls Ferry RdRSA Team 5:30pm - 730pmDinner Break (together)RSA Team 7:30pm - 8:30pmNight/Darkness ReviewOR217/Scholls Ferry RdRSA Team Wednesday, March 21 7:00am – 8:00 a.m. Field ReviewOR217/Scholls Ferry RdRSA Team 8:00am - 8:30amTravel 8:30am - 12:30pmRSA Team Meeting: FindingsRegion 1 Flanders, CR337RSA Team 12:30pm - 1:30pmLunch 1:30pm - 3:00pmRSA Findings PresentationRegion 1 Flanders, Room A/BRSA Team, Stakeholders

26 OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd: Cascade Ave to OR 217 SB Off-ramp Crash Graphs January 2006 – July 2011 Peak 2009-2010 52% Rear-ends/SS-O 44% Angle/Turn 0 Pedestrian crashes Peak hours 3pm-6pm

27 OR210 Scholls Ferry Rd: Cascade Ave to OR 217 SB Off-ramp RSA Crash Graphs 27% Dark crashes (Lit and Unlit) Spikes at Cascade Ave (mp 9.06) and OR217 SB Off-ramp (mp 9.13)

28 TV Hwy at SW 185 th – Road Safety Audit

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