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Prepared for the International Space Development Conference May 27, 2002 Denver, Colorado by Mike Manes, President, EOSS Edge of Space Sciences ” Promoting.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared for the International Space Development Conference May 27, 2002 Denver, Colorado by Mike Manes, President, EOSS Edge of Space Sciences ” Promoting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared for the International Space Development Conference May 27, 2002 Denver, Colorado by Mike Manes, President, EOSS Edge of Space Sciences ” Promoting Science and Education Through Amateur Radio and High Altitude Balloons” EOSS: The Poor Man’s Space Program

2 What is EOSS? n Edge Of Space Sciences, Inc. n Founded Jan 1991, Incorporated Mar 1991 n Provide students with hands-on experience with science and technology to “the edge of of space” n “The Poor Man’s Space Program” n Non-Profit 501(C)(3) Tax Exempt n 50+ Members n Funded by Memberships and Donations

3 EOSS Commitment to Education n Real Time Education Advantages –Team Building in the Learning Process –Project Leadership Opportunities –Life Skills –Impact at All Age Levels n Educational Opportunities –Project Development - From Ideas to Launches, 3 Mo. –Technology - Applied Sciences, Math, Electronics, Physics, Geography –Journalism - Public Relations, Photography, Video, Documentation n Communications Skills –Public Speaking –Operational Processes

4 EOSS Partners Universities: * University of Colorado - Boulder, Colo Spgs * Colorado College * U.S. Air Force Academy * Utah State University * U. of Wyoming * University of Southern Colorado * Colorado State University High Schools: * Ranum * Cherry Creek* Green Mountain * Air Academy Middle Schools: * Pitts M.S. - Pueblo * Thunder Ridge M.S. - Aurora * Longs Peak M.S. - Longmont Other Groups: * Students of Technology And Related Sciences * Ins’t Aeronautical and Astronomical Studies

5 EOSS Highlights n First Flight, EOSS-1, November 18, 1990 n First Educational flight was EOSS-4, 1/4/92, carrying CU’s “Humble Telescope” n Sponsored Nat’l Balloon Symposium, 8/93 n 100% Payload Recovery Record n EOSS-56 flew April 20, 2002 with 8 CU and U Wyo Spacegrant BalloonSats n EOSS-57 will support Spacegrant College Balloonsat Workshop 22 June, 2002.

6 Exemplary Student Payloads n Solar UV imaging n Spin stabilization n Comparative barometric pressure sensing n High altitude photography n Ozone profiling n Si solar cell efficiency vs altitude n Gravimetry vs altitude n Pollution profiling n Ionizing radiation profiling n UV intensity profiling

7 Non-payload Student Projects n Telemetry plotting and analysis –Tropopause, jet stream, vertical velocity profiling n Flight path prediction n Mapping and plotting n Radio direction finding n Tracking and recovery n Launch operations n Radio operations n Public relations

8 Typical Student Payload Development Process n Project proposal to EOSS n Science lessons n Project manager assignments n Payload design and PDR n Project fabrication n Project integration and test n Critical design review n Flight n Post-flight analysis, reports

9 Want to Learn More about EOSS? n See our Web Site at –Flight histories, Download The EOSS Handbook –Links to other balloon group n Attend our next launch: –June 23, 2002: EOSS-57 with CU Space Grant Workshop –Directions to launch site on n Join up: –Regular membership $10 / year –Student membership $2 / year n Come to our next meeting: – Ft. Logan, Denver, CO each 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

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