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2 Peter 1:10-11 Pg 1079 In Church Bibles. Are you going to heaven? - Yes - Yes - No - No - I hope so - I hope so Can you be sure? Yes Yes.

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Presentation on theme: "2 Peter 1:10-11 Pg 1079 In Church Bibles. Are you going to heaven? - Yes - Yes - No - No - I hope so - I hope so Can you be sure? Yes Yes."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 Peter 1:10-11 Pg 1079 In Church Bibles

2 Are you going to heaven? - Yes - Yes - No - No - I hope so - I hope so Can you be sure? Yes Yes

3 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life 1John 5:13

4 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life 1John 5:13

5 Are you going to heaven? - Yes - Yes - No - No - I hope so - I hope so Can you be sure? Yes Yes

6 SalvationSalvation Assurance of Salvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

7 SalvationSalvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

8 SalvationSalvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

9 SalvationSalvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

10 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? 1) Not being Saved! 2) Unsure that we can/should know

11 Roman Catholic Church - Council of Trent

12 "No one can know with a certainty that he has obtained the grace of God. Roman Catholic Church - Council of Trent

13 "No one can know with a certainty that he has obtained the grace of God. If anyone saith that he is ‘born again and justified and is bound of faith to believe that he is assuredly in the number of the predestinate’, let him be anathema” Roman Catholic Church - Council of Trent

14 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life 1John 5:13

15 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? 1) Not being Saved! 2) Unsure that we can/should know 3) Personal struggles, doubts 4) satan’s attacks

16 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil... take the helmet of salvation Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil... take the helmet of salvation Ephesians 6:17

17 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? 1) Not being Saved! 2) Unsure that we can/should know 3) Personal struggles, doubts 4) satan’s attacks 5) God’s questions

18 Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified. 2Corinthians 13:5

19 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? 1) Not being Saved! 2) Unsure that we can/should know 3) Personal struggles, doubts 4) Satan’s attacks 5) God’s questions Doubts about Assurance are NORMAL Doubts about Assurance are NORMAL

20 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? make your call and election sure How can we be assured of salvation? God picked me I accepted His call

21 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? make your call and election sure How can we be assured of salvation? Salvation

22 make your call and election sure sure Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? Salvation

23 make your call and election sure Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? Salvation assdsure

24 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? make your call and election sure How can we be assured of salvation? Salvation sureassance

25 sure Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? make your call and election sure How can we be assured of salvation? Salvation sureassance

26 Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4) - virtue - knowledge - self-control - perseverance - godliness - brotherly love - agape love

27 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure

28 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? assurance is a benefit of a growing, abounding Christian is NOT based on past experience if you are not walking well, you should NOT have assurance

29 SalvationSalvation Assurance of Salvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

30 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19

31 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? assurance is a benefit of a growing, abounding Christian is NOT based on past experience if you are not walking well, you should NOT have assurance if someone is not walking well, we cannot be confident about their salvation

32 They went out from us 1 John 2:19

33 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us 1 John 2:19

34 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. 1 John 2:19

35 SalvationSalvation Assurance of Salvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

36 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? assurance is a benefit of a growing, abounding Christian is NOT based on past experience if you are not walking well, you should NOT have assurance if someone is not walking well, we cannot be confident about their salvation

37 Are you going to heaven? What causes doubts of assurance? How can we be assured of salvation? assurance is a benefit of a growing, abounding Christian Abundant Entrance to heaven as you face death - you know where going - we know where you go - Jesus will receive you

38 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven

39 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

40 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

41 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

42 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

43 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

44 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

45 Not be Useless or Unfruitful Therefore Grow intentionally & diligently (v.5-7) Four Benefits for Growing Christians (v.8-11) 1)1) 2)2) 3)3) 4)4) Not Shortsighted or Forgetful Make your salvation sure Abundant entrance to heaven Everything for Godly life is Provided by God (v.3-4)

46 Are you going to heaven?

47 SalvationSalvation Assurance of Salvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

48 SalvationSalvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

49 Are you going to heaven?


51 SalvationSalvation Assurance of Salvation ≠≠ savedsavedsavedsavedlostlostlostlost assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance assuranceassurance noassurancenoassurance

52 ...Jesus...said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”...Jesus...said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Mark 2:17


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