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European conflicts in America. During this era in history there were two main conflicts that stood out more than all of the rest. Can you name both? Religious.

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Presentation on theme: "European conflicts in America. During this era in history there were two main conflicts that stood out more than all of the rest. Can you name both? Religious."— Presentation transcript:

1 European conflicts in America

2 During this era in history there were two main conflicts that stood out more than all of the rest. Can you name both? Religious conflicts Economic Conflicts

3 Religious conflicts Around 1530 several countries had split from the Roman Catholic Church and started their own churches under Protestant religion? What will happen when a people start sharing new ideas that they do not agree with?

4 Economic Conflicts Wars were common when two countries wanted the same land and same resources. This happened during colonization. What countries began to have conflicts over land in the World?

5 The Spanish Armada When England King Henry VIII died Mary the I took over and tried to restore the Roman Catholic Church. Mary I also died so Elizabeth I a Protestant took the throne. England was now Protestant and Spain was now Catholic.

6 Is this going to cause a conflict? YES The Spanish King gathers 130 warships known as the Spanish Armada. He wants to force Queen Elizabeth I from the throne and return England back to Catholic. The Spanish Armada loses and it weakens Spain. The balance of power shifts.

7 With Spain becoming weak and losing against England it allows England and France to do what? To colonize the Americas too!


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