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Presented by Trisha Cummings. Why Have a Web Page?  To become known WorldWide  Advertise and sell things  Publish a Fanzine  Support a cause  Share.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Trisha Cummings. Why Have a Web Page?  To become known WorldWide  Advertise and sell things  Publish a Fanzine  Support a cause  Share."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Trisha Cummings

2 Why Have a Web Page?  To become known WorldWide  Advertise and sell things  Publish a Fanzine  Support a cause  Share knowlwdge  Promote a country

3  Great way to tell the world about you  Your family  Your hobbies  Your family reunion  Your graduation  Your wedding  Your new baby  Memory page for your beloved departed

4  Provide information about your products  Provide information about your services  Provide information about your company  Have customers place orders  Have customers pay their bills  Find out your customers opinions and preferences to improve your website, your services and your products as well as expand your market

5  Have a fan site about your  favorite show  favorite actor  favorite singer  Sports star  Music group

6  Use a web site to explain about your beliefs and goals  Charities  Political parties  Religious organizations  Private organizations  Details of campaignes  Where to send donations  What you can donate  How you can help

7  Can be built by  Individuals  Researchers  Students  Specialist  Can cover any kind of knowledge or interest  Recipes  Medical advice  Academic articles  Post research

8  Tell users about your government agencies  Tell users about the people in office  Tell users what tourist sites you have  Include where to stay  What to see  Where to go to get help  For legal issues  For health issues

9  Content  Layout  Enter your information  Save your page

10  Before you start building you need to plan it carefully  Decide the content  Words  Pictures  sounds  Organize the content  How many pages  Rather than a lot of scrolling – make more pages

11  Design the page on paper first  Make it in Word, Excel, or Powerpoint  Allows you move things around  Find and Save your graphics  Preview any animations – by using PowerPoint  Add sounds using PowerPoint  Make multiple pages – home page, link pages  Get input on design from friends

12  Code in HTML  Learn how to do coding  Books available  If you did your work in Word  Save as  Other  Save as Type  Web Page

13  If you are using a text editor or word processing program  Make sure you keep a folder or create a new directory for your information  If you are using a web editor  It will save your work as a web page when you use the save button.

14 Do  Use Colors that complement each other  Where the text stands out  Make your page easy to read  Remember colors will look different on different browsers  Try and check them out Don’t  Blind People  Make colors so alike or so light they get lost  Make a rainbow in one word  Avoid large amounts of red and shocking pink  Be Kind to your readers

15  Most common are:  Description Meta Tags  Key Word Meta Tags  The Description Meta Tag summarizes pages contents  Key Word Meta Tag contains a selection of words that are mission critical to your page

16  Meta tags enable the search engine to find your page  It looks for meta tags  If it doesn’t find any – it uses the first few words of the page.  This may make it impossible for your page to be displayed to the target audience

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