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Consumer Tribes and Communities Stephan Dahl. Why does technology get adopted?

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Tribes and Communities Stephan Dahl. Why does technology get adopted?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Tribes and Communities Stephan Dahl

2 Why does technology get adopted?

3 Social Media Which social needs does social media fulfil? What is the perceived usefulness? –Self-portrayal –Keeping people ‘updated’ –Connecting with existing friends –Finding new friends What is the link between consumption and social behaviours?

4 Rethinking Consumption From a narrow focus of exchange –Purchase-focused –Simple, but ignores consumer involvement To a broader focus of consumption –Extends experience beyond the purchase –Focuses on consumer involvement and consumer experience –Consumer is actively shaping the experience

5 Consumer Culture Theory Emerged during the 1980s, though rooted in the 1960s/70s Four stages of consumption: 1.Preconsumption stage 2.Purchasing Stage 3.Core Consumption Stage 4.Remembered Consumption Stage

6 Social Context Rise of individualism Loss of norms and social coherence Individuals need to seek alternative social arrangements Subcultures emerge as a way of belonging

7 Subcultures Historically away from the mainstream But increasingly the mainstream Subcultures of consumption: subculture like groups, defined by common consumption patterns

8 (Neo-)Tribes Maffesoli describes ‘tribal behaviours’ Fluid membership Three functions: 1.Sharing of functional knowledge 2.Place of social bonding 3.Creation of collective rules

9 Tribes challenge Marketing Concepts Tribe members not clearly defined Often heterogenous members in other aspects Interconnected Active Different to ‘segments’ – although often confused

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